(a) The Office of the Governor (OOG) shall complete
a risk assessment for contracts with a private vendor for goods or
services with a value greater than $100,000 to evaluate whether the
OOG must exercise enhanced contract or performance monitoring on such
contracts. For contracts with a private vendor for goods or services
with a value of $100,000 or less, the OOG may complete a risk assessment
to evaluate whether enhanced contract or performance monitoring is
necessary for such contracts.
(b) The risk assessment may consider the following
(1) total cost of the contract, including contract
(2) risk of loss to the OOG under the contract;
(3) risk of fraud, waste or abuse;
(4) scope of the goods or services provided;
(5) availability of OOG resources;
(6) complexity of the contract;
(7) business process impact of failure or delay;
(8) vendor past performance; and
(9) whether the vendor is a foreign or domestic person
or entity.
(c) The director of the OOG's Financial Services Division
shall provide information on contracts for which it is determined
the OOG must exercise enhanced contract or performance monitoring
to the OOG's Chief of Staff at least quarterly. The Chief of Staff
shall be notified immediately of any serious issue or risk that is
identified with respect to contracts identified requiring enhanced
contract or performance monitoring.
(d) This section does not apply to a memorandum of
understanding, interagency contract, interlocal agreement, or contract
for which there is not a cost.