(a) An applicant for licensure shall disclose in writing
to the Commission any conviction against him or her related to the
occupations of funeral directing or embalming as defined by §203.16(h)
of this title at the time of application.
(b) A current licensee shall disclose in writing to
the Commission any conviction against him or her related to the occupations
of funeral directing or embalming as defined by §203.16(h) of
this title at the time of renewal or no later than 30 days after judgment
in the trial court, whichever date is earlier.
(c) Upon notification of a conviction, the Commission
shall request that the person respond by filing information demonstrating
why the Commission should not deny the application or take disciplinary
action against the person, if already licensed. The response must
be filed within 21 days of the date of receipt of notice from the
Commission. An applicant for licensure is responsible for filing documentation
that will allow the Commission to take action under §203.16 of
this title.