(a) Investigative Subpoenas. Pursuant to the Act, §153.007, the board has the authority to issue subpoenas to compel the attendance of witnesses and to issue subpoenas duces tecum to compel the production of books, records, or documents on the board's own motion. The pendency of a SOAH proceeding does not preclude the board from issuing an investigative subpoena at any time. (b) SOAH Subpoenas. Subsequent to the filing of a formal Complaint, any party may request in writing that the executive director issue a subpoena or subpoena duces tecum in accordance with §2001.089 of the APA upon a showing of good cause. (1) The party requesting the subpoena shall be responsible for the payment of any expense incurred by the witness who appears in response to the subpoena. (2) If the subpoena is for the attendance of a witness, the written request shall contain the name, address, and title, if any, of the witness and the date and location at which the attendance of the witness is sought. (3) If the subpoena is for the production of books, records, writings, or other tangible items, the written request shall contain a description of the item sought; the name, address, and title, if any, of the person or entity who has custody or control over the items and the date; and the location at which the items are sought to be produced. (4) The party requesting a subpoena duces tecum shall describe and recite with clarity, specificity, and particularity the books, records, documents to be produced. (c) Service and expenses. (1) A subpoena issued at the request of the board's staff may be served either by a board investigator or by certified mail in accordance with the Act §153.007. The board shall pay reasonable charges for photocopies produced in response to a subpoena requested by the board's staff, but such charges may not exceed those billed by the board for producing copies of its own records. (2) A subpoena issued at the request of any party other than the board shall be addressed to a sheriff or constable for service in accordance with the APA §2001.089, and given to the requesting party so that the requesting party may accomplish service of the subpoena. (d) Fees and travel. A witness called at the request of the board shall be paid a compensation fee as set by agency policy and reimbursed for travel in like manner as board employees. An expert witness called at the request of the board shall be paid a compensation fee as set by agency policy and reimbursed for travel in like manner as board members. (e) Additional reasons for granting a subpoena. Notwithstanding any other provisions of this section, the executive director may issue a subpoena if, in the opinion of the executive director, such a subpoena is necessary to preserve evidence and testimony regarding any potential violation or lack of compliance with the Act, the rules and regulations or orders of the board. |
Source Note: The provisions of this §187.8 adopted to be effective January 6, 2002, 26 TexReg 10867; amended to be effective November 7, 2004, 29 TexReg 10113; amended to be effective February 28, 2011, 36 TexReg 1278 |