(a) The facility must admit and retain only residents
whose needs can be met through service from the facility staff, or
in cooperation with community resources or other providers under contract.
(b) Individuals who have met the requirements of Chapter
17 of this title (relating to Preadmission Screening and Resident
Review (PASRR) and have mental or physical diseases, or both, that
endanger other residents may be admitted or retained if adequate rooms
and care are provided to protect the other residents.
(c) The term "hospital" may not be used as part of
the name of a nursing facility unless it has been classified and duly
licensed as a hospital by the appropriate state agency.
(d) A facility that ceases operation, temporarily or
permanently, voluntarily or involuntarily, must provide notice to
the residents and residents' relatives or responsible parties of closure.
See §554.2310 of this chapter (relating to Nursing Facility Ceases
to Participate) for additional notice requirements that apply to a
Medicaid or Medicare certified facility.
(1) If the closure is voluntary, within one week after
the date on which the decision to close is made, the facility must
send written notice to residents' relatives or responsible parties
stating that the closure will occur no earlier than 60 days after
receipt of the notice.
(2) If the closure is involuntary, the facility must
make the notification, whether orally or in writing, immediately on
receiving notice of the closure.
(e) Each licensed facility must conspicuously and prominently
post the information listed in paragraphs (1) - (13) of this subsection
in an area of the facility that is readily available to residents,
employees, and visitors. The posting must be in a manner that each
item of information is directly visible at a single time. In the case
of a licensed section that is part of a larger building or complex,
the posting must be in the licensed section or public way leading
to it. Any exceptions must be approved by HHSC. The following items
must be posted:
(1) the facility license;
(2) a complaint sign provided by HHSC giving the toll-free
telephone number;
(3) a notice in a form prescribed by HHSC that inspection
and related reports are available at the facility for public inspection;
(4) a concise summary prepared by HHSC of the most
recent inspection report;
(5) a notice of HHSC toll-free telephone number 1-800-458-9858
to request summary reports relating to the quality of care, recent
investigations, litigation or other aspects of the operation of the
facility that are available to the public;
(6) a notice that HHSC can provide information about
the nursing facility administrator at (512) 438-2015;
(7) if a facility has been ordered to suspend admissions,
a notice of the suspension, which must be posted also on all doors
providing public ingress to and egress from the facility;
(8) the statement of resident rights provided in §554.401
of this chapter (relating to Introduction) and any additional facility
requirements involving resident rights and responsibilities;
(9) a notice that employees, other staff, residents,
volunteers, and family members and guardians of residents are protected
from discrimination or retaliation as provided by the Texas Health
and Safety Code, §260A.014 and §260A.015; and that the facility
has available for public inspection a copy of the Texas Health and
Safety Code, Chapter 260A;
(10) a prominent and conspicuous sign for display in
a public area of the facility that is readily available to the residents,
employees, and visitors and that includes the statement: CASES OF
BY CALLING 1-800-458-9858;
(11) for a facility that advertises, markets, or otherwise
promotes that it provides services to residents with Alzheimer's disease
and related disorders, a disclosure statement describing the nature
of its care or treatment of residents with Alzheimer's disease and
related disorders in accordance with §554.403(n)(2) of this chapter
(relating to Notice of Rights and Services);
(12) at each entrance to the facility, a sign that
states that a person may not enter the premises with a handgun and
that complies with Government Code §411.204; and
(13) daily for each shift, the current number of licensed
and unlicensed nursing staff directly responsible for resident care
in the facility. In addition, the nursing facility must make the information
required to be posted available to the public upon request.
(f) The reports referenced in subsection (e)(3) of
this section must be maintained in a well-lighted, accessible location
and must include:
(1) a statement of the facility's compliance record
that is updated at least bi-monthly and reflects at least one year's
compliance record, in a form required by HHSC; and
(2) if a facility has been cited for a violation of
residents' rights, a copy of the citation, which must remain in the
reports until any regulatory action with respect to the violation
is complete and HHSC has determined that the facility is in full compliance
with the applicable requirement.
(g) The facility must inform the resident or responsible
party or both upon the resident's admission that the inspection reports
referenced in subsection (e)(3) of this section are available for
(h) A facility must provide the telephone number for
reporting cases of suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation to an
immediate family member of a resident of the facility upon the resident's
admission to the facility.
(i) A copy of the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapters
242 and 260A, must be available for public inspection at the facility.
(j) Within 72 hours after admission, the facility must
prepare a written inventory of the personal property a resident brings
to the facility, such as furnishings, jewelry, televisions, radios,
sewing machines, and medical equipment. The facility does not have
to inventory the resident's clothing; however, the operating policies
and procedures must provide for the management of resident clothing
and other personal property to prevent loss or damage. The facility
administrator or his or her designee must sign and retain the written
inventory and must give a copy to the resident or the resident's responsible
party or both. The facility must revise the written inventory to show
if property is lost, destroyed, damaged, replaced, or supplemented.
Upon discharge of the resident, the facility must document the disposition
of personal effects by a dated receipt bearing the signature of the
resident or the resident's responsible party or both. See §554.416
of this chapter (relating to Personal Property).
(k) Each facility must comply with the provisions of
the Texas Health and Safety Code, Chapter 250 (relating to Nurse Aide
Registry and Criminal History Checks of Employees and Applicants for
Employment in Certain Facilities Serving the Elderly or Persons with
(l) Before a facility hires an unlicensed employee,
the facility must search the employee misconduct registry (EMR) established
under §253.007, Texas Health and Safety Code, and the HHSC nurse
aide registry (NAR) to determine whether the individual is designated
in either registry as unemployable. Both registries can be accessed
on the HHSC Internet website.
(m) A facility is prohibited from hiring or continuing
to employ a person who is listed in the EMR or NAR as unemployable.
(n) A facility must provide notification about the
EMR to an employee in accordance with 40 TAC §93.3 (relating
to Employment and Registry Information).
(o) In addition to the initial search of the EMR and
NAR, a facility must:
(1) conduct a search of the NAR and EMR to determine
if an employee of the facility is listed as unemployable in either
registry as follows:
(A) for an employee most recently hired before September
1, 2009, by August 31, 2011, and at least every 12 months thereafter;
(B) for an employee most recently hired on or after
September 1, 2009, at least every twelve months; and
(2) keep a copy of the results of the initial and annual
searches of the NAR and EMR in the employee's personnel file.
Source Note: The provisions of this §554.1921 adopted to be effective May 1, 1995, 20 TexReg 2393; amended to be effective September 1, 1996, 21 TexReg 7859; amended to be effective March 1, 1998, 23 TexReg 1314; amended to be effective October 15, 1998, 23 TexReg 10496; amended to be effective August 1, 2000, 25 TexReg 6779; amended to be effective May 1, 2002, 27 TexReg 2832; amended to be effective June 1, 2003, 28 TexReg 3828; amended to be effective September 1, 2003, 28 TexReg 6939; amended to be effective September 1, 2010, 35 TexReg 6353; amended to be effective August 1,2011,36TexReg 4671; amended to be effective October 31, 2013, 38 TexReg 7465; amended to be effective July 21, 2016, 41 TexReg 5203; transferred effective January 15, 2021, as published in the Texas Register December 11, 2020, 45 TexReg 8871; amended to be effective December 6, 2022, 47 TexReg 7712 |