(a) The initial IFSP meeting and each annual meeting
to evaluate the IFSP must be conducted by the IFSP team as defined
in 34 CFR §303.343(a).
(b) The initial IFSP meeting and the annual meeting
to evaluate the IFSP must be conducted by an interdisciplinary team
that includes, at a minimum, the parent and at least two professionals
from different disciplines or professions.
(1) At least one professional must be an Early Childhood
Intervention (ECI) service coordinator.
(2) At least one professional must be a Licensed Practitioner
of the Healing Arts (LPHA).
(3) At least one ECI professional must have been involved
in conducting the evaluation. This may be the service coordinator,
the LPHA, or a third professional.
(4) If the LPHA attending the IFSP meeting did not
conduct the evaluation, the contractor must ensure that the most recent
observations and conclusions of the LPHA who conducted the evaluation
were communicated to the LPHA attending the initial IFSP meeting and
incorporated into the IFSP.
(5) Other team members may participate by other means
acceptable to the team.
(c) With parental consent, the contractor must also
invite to the initial IFSP meeting and annual meetings to evaluate
the IFSP:
(1) Early Head Start and Migrant Head Start staff members,
if the family is jointly served; and
(2) representatives from other agencies serving or
providing case management to the child or family, including Medicaid
managed care programs.
(d) If a child:
(1) is documented to be deaf or hard of hearing as
described in §350.813(a) of this chapter (relating to Determination
of Hearing and Auditory Status), the IFSP team for an initial IFSP
meeting and annual IFSP evaluation meetings must include a certified
teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing; or
(2) has a documented visual impairment as described
in §350.815(a) of this chapter (relating to Determination of
Vision Status), the IFSP team for an initial IFSP meeting and annual
IFSP evaluation meetings must include a certified teacher of the visually
(e) Unless there is documentation that the Local Education
Agency has waived notice, the contractor must:
(1) provide the certified teacher required in subsection
(d) of this section at least a 10-day written notice before the initial
IFSP meeting, any annual meetings to evaluate the IFSP or any review
and evaluation that affects the child's deaf and hard of hearing or
vision services; and
(2) keep documentation of the notice in the child's
ECI record.
(f) The IFSP team cannot plan deaf and hard of hearing
or vision services or make any changes that affect those services
if the certified teacher required in subsection (d) of this section
is not in attendance.
(g) The IFSP team must route the IFSP to the certified
teacher required in subsection (d) of this section for review and
signature when changes to the IFSP do not affect the child's deaf
and hard of hearing or vision services.
(h) The certified teacher of the deaf and hard of hearing
and the certified teacher of the visually impaired required in subsection
(d) of this section may submit a request within five days of the IFSP
meeting to have another IFSP meeting if the teacher disagrees with
any portion of the IFSP.
(i) The certified teacher required in subsection (d)
of this section is not required to attend an IFSP review when changes
do not affect the child's deaf and hard of hearing or vision services,
but the contractor must obtain the teacher's input.
Source Note: The provisions of this §350.1009 adopted to be effective September 1, 2011, 36 TexReg 5387; amended to be effective July 1, 2012, 37 TexReg 4621; amended to be effective September 1, 2013, 38 TexReg 5524; amended to be effective March 7, 2015, 40 TexReg 939; amended to be effective June 30, 2019, 44 TexReg 3280; transferred effective March 1, 2021, as published in the Texas Register February 5, 2021, 46 TexReg 941; amended to be effective March 17, 2022, 47 TexReg 1277 |