(a) This section applies to military service members,
military veterans, or military spouses, as those terms are defined
in Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 55.
(b) The Commission shall waive license and examination
fees for:
(1) a military service member or military veteran whose
service, training, or education meets the Commission's licensing or
certification requirements in this chapter; or
(2) a military service member, military veteran, or
military spouse who holds a current license issued by another jurisdiction
with licensing requirements substantially equivalent to the Commission's
licensing requirements in this chapter.
(c) To receive a military fee exemption, an applicant
for a fee exemption shall file with the Commission CNG Form 1035 and
any documentation required by this subsection.
(1) A military service member or military veteran whose
service, training, or education meets the Commission's requirements
for licensing or certification shall submit the following documentation
with CNG Form 1035:
(A) a copy of any military records showing the applicant's
dates of service;
(B) a copy of the applicant's driver's license or state-issued
identification card; and either
(C) any military service history for the applicant
showing that CNG activities were performed, including a description
of the types of CNG activities that were performed; or
(D) any military CNG training or education the applicant
received, including a description of the types of CNG activities the
training or education covered.
(2) A military service member or military veteran who
holds a current license issued by another jurisdiction with licensing
requirements substantially equivalent to the Commission's requirements
in this chapter shall submit the following documentation with CNG
Form 1035:
(A) a copy of the license issued by the named jurisdiction;
(B) a description of the types of CNG activities that
were performed under the license;
(C) a copy of any military records showing the applicant's
dates of service; and
(D) a copy of the applicant's driver's license or state-issued
identification card.
(3) A military spouse who holds a current license issued
by another jurisdiction with licensing requirements substantially
equivalent to the Commission's requirements in this chapter shall
submit the following documentation with CNG Form 1035:
(A) a copy of the license issued by the named jurisdiction;
(B) a description of the types of CNG activities that
were performed under the license;
(C) a copy of the applicant's driver's license or state-issued
identification card;
(D) a copy of the military service member's military
records, including dates of service; and
(E) a copy of a valid marriage license between the
applicant and the individual listed on the military records.
(d) The Commission shall review CNG Form 1035 and required
documentation to determine if the requirements for the fee exemption
have been met and shall notify the applicant of the determination
in writing within 30 days.
(1) If all requirements have been met, the applicant
may submit the application for license or examination and attach a
copy of the written notice granting military fee exemption with the
application to serve as notice of payment.
(2) If the Commission has notified the applicant that
the application is incomplete, the applicant shall provide any requested
information or documentation within 30 days of the date of the notice.
(e) A military service member, military veteran, or
military spouse who receives a military fee exemption is not exempt
from, and may not use this section to circumvent, the requirements
in this chapter to obtain a license or become certified by examination;
license or certification renewal requirements; or any transport registration
requirements or fees.