These standards for accreditation apply only to libraries that are operated by a public school district, institution of higher education, unit of local, state, or federal government, accredited non-public elementary or secondary schools, or special or research libraries. The standards for accreditation of public libraries are specified in §1.81 of this title (relating to Quantitative Standards for Accreditation of Library). (1) Libraries applying for membership must: (A) agree to loan materials without charge to users of other libraries in the system; and (B) submit an annual application for membership to the State Library by April 30. (2) Any library eligible for membership in the Texas Library System under this section will be accredited by the following standards. (A) For libraries operated by a public school district: (i) the unit of membership shall be the school district; (ii) the district must submit written verification that it is academically accredited by the Texas Education Agency. (B) For libraries operated by an institution of higher education: (i) the unit of membership in the Texas Library System shall be the institution. Institutions of higher education with libraries in multiple locations shall apply as a single unit. Community colleges shall apply per their certification by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, in accordance with Government Code §61.063; (ii) the institution must submit written verification that it is accredited by an accrediting agency recognized by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. (C) For libraries operated by a unit of local, state, or federal government, the library must: (i) submit written verification from the governmental unit that it is operated by that governmental unit; (ii) submit documentation showing that there is an organized collection, with staff, and regular hours of operation. (D) For libraries operated by accredited non-public elementary or secondary schools: (i) the unit of membership shall be the accredited organization; (ii) the library must submit written documentation of its accreditation. (E) For libraries operated by special or research organizations the library must: (i) submit written verification from the organization that it is supported by that organization; (ii) submit documentation showing that there is an organized collection, with staff, and regular hours of operation. |