(a) Report lost forms. Not later than close of business
on the day of discovery, a practitioner must report a lost or stolen
official prescription form to:
(1) the local police department or sheriff's office
in an effective manner; and
(2) the board.
(b) Recovery report. Not later than close of business
on the day of recovery of an official prescription form previously
reported lost or stolen, a practitioner must, before using the recovered
form, notify:
(1) the local law enforcement agency to which the matter
was originally reported; and
(2) the board.
(c) Replacement/lost form. Not later than the close
of business on the day that an official prescription is replaced or
reported lost, with or without a replacement, the prescribing practitioner,
or designated agent, shall report to the board the following:
(1) patient name, address, date of birth or age;
(2) all drug information; and
(3) official prescription form control number.