(a) Template and instructions. Except as provided in §21.2431
of this title (relating to Required Analyses for Quantitative and
Nonquantitative Parity; Alternative Tools), an issuer must use the
QTL template and associated technical instructions to:
(1) provide the information required by §21.2434
of this title (relating to Quantitative Parity Analysis: Issuer and
Plan Information), §21.2435 of this title (relating to Quantitative
Parity Analysis: Methodology for Determining Expected Payments), and §21.2436
of this title (relating to Quantitative Parity Analysis: Covered Benefits);
(2) perform the compliance analysis for quantitative
parity required by §21.2437 of this title (relating to Quantitative
Parity Analysis: "Substantially All" and "Predominant" Tests).
(b) Template programming. TDI may program the QTL template
to populate some information and complete some steps of the analysis
(c) Compliance analysis for plans with the same plan
design. An issuer may complete a single analysis for multiple plans
with the same plan design.
(d) Retention of completed template. An issuer must
retain its completed quantitative parity analysis for each plan, plan
design, or modified plan design. The completed analysis must be available
to TDI upon request for any plan or plan design that is available
for purchase, and for at least five years after coverage terminates
for the last enrollee covered.
(e) Version control. The issuer must use a version
control system to ensure that the issuer can provide to TDI upon request
the version of the completed analysis that applied to a plan on a
given date.