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RULE §174.2Certification of a Non-Profit Health Organization

(a) The board shall certify a Non-Profit Health Organization in accordance with §162.001(b) of the Act upon:

  (1) submission of the required application and supporting documentation;

  (2) the board's receipt of the $2,500 non-refundable application fee; and

  (3) verification by the board that the organization meets the requirements of §162.001(b) of the Act, including the requisite number of Board of Directors in accordance with Title 2, §22.204 of the Texas Business Organizations Code.

(b) The board shall certify a Non-Profit Health Organization to contract with or employ physicians in accordance with §162.001(c) or (c-4) of the Act upon:

  (1) submission of the required application and supporting documentation; and

  (2) verification by the board that the organization meets the requirements for certification under the Act.

(c) A certified Non-Profit Health Organization must file a biennial report with the board in accordance with §162.006 of the Act. The board shall renew the certification of a Non-Profit Health Organization upon:

  (1) submission of the required biennial report, recertification application and supporting documentation

  (2) the board's receipt of the $1,125 non-refundable biennial application fee, except those certified under §162.001(c) or (c-4) do not pay a fee; and

  (3) verification by the board that the organization meets the requirements for recertification under the Act.

(d) The failure of a certified health organization to timely submit a biennial report and/or required renewal fee within 90 days of its due date may result in decertification.

(e) If a certified health organization has been decertified, it will be required to submit a new application for certification in accordance with Chapter 162 of the Act.

Source Note: The provisions of this §174.2 adopted to be effective January 9, 2025, 50 TexReg 362

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