(a) Participation in the 811 PRA Program is encouraged
and may be incentivized through the Department's Rules and NOFAs.
Once committed in the Multifamily Application, a Development must
not accept a fund source that would prevent it from participating
in the 811 PRA Program.
(b) An Existing Development that is already participating
in the 811 PRA Program is eligible to have an additional commitment
of 811 PRA Units as long as the integrated housing requirements as
noted in §8.3(c) of this chapter (relating to Participation as
a Proposed Development) are not violated.
(c) The types (e.g., accessible, one bedroom, first
floor, etc.) and the specific number of Assisted Units (e.g., units
101, 201, etc.) will be "floating" (flexible) and dependent on the
needs of the Department and the availability of the Assisted Units
on the Eligible Multifamily Property.
(d) Occupancy Requirements. Owner is required to follow
all applicable Program Requirements including but not limited to the
following occupancy requirements found in HUD Handbook 4350.3 REV-1
and Housing Notices:
(1) H 2012-06, Enterprise Income Verification (EIV)
(2) H 2012-26, Extension of Housing Notice 2011-25,
Enterprise Income Verification (EIV) & You Brochure-Requirements
for Distribution and Use;
(3) H 2012-22, Further Encouragement for O/As to Adopt
Optional Smoke-Free Housing Policies;
(4) H 2012-11, State Registered Lifetime Sex Offenders
in Federally Assisted Housing;
(5) H 2012-09, Supplemental Information to Application
for Assistance Regarding Identification of Family Member, Friend or
Other Persons or Organization Supportive of a Tenant for Occupancy
in HUD Assisted Housing;
(6) H 2017-05, Violence Against Women Act (VAWA) Reauthorization
Act of 2013, Additional Guidance for Multifamily Owners and Management
Agents, as revised by FHEO-2023-01, Notice to Public Regarding FHEO
Enforcement Authority and Procedures: Violence Against Women Act 2022
(7) H 2022-01, Carbon Monoxide Alarms or Detectors
in U.S. Housing and Urban Development (HUD) -Assisted Housing;
(8) H 2023-10, Implementation Guidance: Sections 102
and 104 of the Housing Opportunity Through Modernization Act of 2016
(HOTMA); and
(9) H 2013-24, Section 811 Project Rental Assistance
(PRA) Occupancy Interim Notice.
(e) Use Agreements. The Owner must execute the Use
Agreement at the execution of the RAC and comply with the following:
(1) Use Agreement must be properly recorded according
to local laws in the official public records on the Eligible Multifamily
Property. The Owner shall provide to the Department within 30 days
of its receipt of the recorded Use Agreement, a copy of the executed,
recorded Use Agreement.
(2) From the date the Property Agreement is entered
into, the Owner shall not enter into any future use agreements or
other subsidy programs that would diminish the number of Assisted
Units that can be placed on the Eligible Multifamily Property.
(3) The Department will enforce the provisions of the
Use Agreement and RAC consistent with HUD's internal control and fraud
monitoring requirements.
(f) TRACS & EIV, Reporting, Tenant Certifications
and Compliance.
(1) TRACS & EIV Systems. The Owner shall have appropriate
methods to access the Tenant Rental Assistance Certification System
(TRACS) and the EIV System. The Owner shall be responsible for ensuring
Program information is entered into these systems. TRACS is the only
system by which an Eligible Multifamily Property can request Project
Rental Assistance payments.
(2) EIV Policies and Procedures. Upon the execution
of a RAC, the Owner must submit a copy of the property's EIV Policies
and Procedures to the Department for review. If deficiencies are identified,
the Owner will be required to correct and resubmit to the Department
until all deficiencies have been properly corrected.
(3) Outside Vendors. The Owner has the right to refuse
assistance from outside vendors hired by the Department, but is still
required to satisfy the Program Requirements.
(4) Tenant Certification. The Owner shall transmit
Eligible Tenant's certification and recertification data, transmit
voucher data, and communicate errors electronically in a form consistent
with HUD reporting requirements for HUD Secure Systems.
(5) Compliance Reviews. The Department's Compliance
Division will conduct a monitoring review in conjunction with the
review of any other Department administered housing program layered
with the Development. If the Development is layered with Housing Tax
Credits and has exceeded the 15-year Federal Compliance Period, monitoring
reviews of the Program will still be conducted at least every three
(6) The Department will review the Property's Tenant
Selection Plan and Criteria, as defined by and in accordance with §10.802
of this chapter (relating to Written Policies and Procedures).
(g) Tenant Selection and Screening.
(1) Target Population. The Department will screen Eligible
Applicants for compliance with the Department's Program Target Population
criteria and do an initial screening for Program Requirements. The
Inter-Agency Partnership Agreement describes the specific Target Population
eligible for the Department's Program. The Target Population may be
revised, with HUD approval.
(2) Tenant Eligibility and Selection. The Owner is
responsible for ultimate eligibility and selection of an Eligible
Tenant and will comply with the following:
(A) The Owner must accept referrals of an Eligible
Tenant from the Department and retain copies of all applications received.
The Owner is responsible for notifying the prospective Eligible Tenant
and the Department in writing regarding any denial of a prospective
Eligible Tenant's application to an Eligible Multifamily Property
and the reason for said denial. In the notice of denial, the Owner
is responsible for notifying the Eligible Tenant of the right to dispute
a denial, as outlined in HUD Handbook 4350.3. The results of the dispute
must be sent to the Eligible Tenant and the Department in writing.
(B) The Owner is responsible for determining age of
the qualifying member of the Eligible Families. Eligible Family member
must be at least 18 years of age and under the age of 62.
(C) The Owner is responsible for criminal background
screening as required by HUD Handbook 4350.3.
(D) Verification of Income, Assets, and Deductions.
The Owner is responsible for determining income of Eligible Families.
The Owner shall verify income through the Enterprise Income Verification
(EIV) System per HUD Handbook 4350.3 and HUD Notices. The Owner must
certify an Eligible Tenant and Eligible Families at least annually
and verify their income. Use of the EIV system as third party verification
is not acceptable for the Housing Tax Credit or Multifamily Direct
Loan Program.
(h) Rental Assistance Contracts.
(1) Applicability. If requested by the Department,
the Owner shall enter into a RAC. Not all properties with an Owner
Participation Agreement will have a RAC, but when notified by the
Department, the Eligible Multifamily Property must enter into a RAC(s)
and begin serving Eligible Applicants.
(2) Notice. The Department will provide written notice
to the Owner if and when it intends to enter into a RAC with the Owner.
(3) Assisted Units. The Department will determine the
number of Units (up to the maximum listed in the Property Agreement)
to place in the RAC(s) which may be fewer than the number of Units
identified in the Property Agreement.
(4) The Department will designate the bedroom composition
of the Assisted Units, as required by the RAC. However, based on an
actual Eligible Tenant, this may fluctuate. It is possible that an
Eligible Multifamily Property will have a RAC for fewer units than
the number committed in the Participation Agreement.
(5) If no additional applicants are referred to the
Development, the Department may begin a RAC amendment to reduce the
number of Assisted Units. An Owner who has an amended, executed RAC
must continue to notify the Department of units that become vacant
that are committed under the Agreement.
(6) Amendments. The Owner agrees to amend the RAC(s)
upon request of the Department. Some examples are amendments that
may either increase or decrease the total number of Assisted Units
or increase or decrease the associated bedroom sizes; multiple amendments
to the RAC may occur over time. The total number of Assisted Units
in the RAC will not exceed the number of Assisted Units committed
in the Participation Agreement, unless by request of the Owner.
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