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RULE §217.3Motor Vehicle Titles

Unless otherwise exempted by law or this chapter, the owner of any motor vehicle that is required to be titled, including any motor vehicle required to be registered in accordance with Transportation Code Chapter 502, shall apply for a Texas title in accordance with Transportation Code Chapter 501 or 731, or this subchapter.

  (1) Motorcycles, autocycles, and mopeds. The title requirements for a motorcycle, autocycle, and moped are the same requirements prescribed for any motor vehicle.

  (2) Farm vehicles.

    (A) Farm tractors owned by agencies exempt from registration fees in accordance with Transportation Code §502.453, are required to be titled and registered with "Exempt" license plates issued in accordance with Transportation Code §502.451.

    (B) Tractors used as road tractors to mow rights of way or used to move commodities over the highway for hire are required to be registered and titled.

  (3) Neighborhood electric vehicles. The title requirements of a neighborhood electric vehicle (NEV) are the same requirements prescribed for any motor vehicle.

  (4) Trailers, semitrailers, and house trailers. If a trailer or semitrailer with a gross weight of 4,000 pounds or less has been titled previously, any subsequent owner shall apply for a Texas title for the trailer or semitrailer. Travel trailer-type vehicles must meet the criteria outlined in subparagraph (C) of this paragraph to be titled:

    (A) The rated carrying capacity will not be less than one-third of its empty weight.

    (B) Mobile office trailers, mobile oil field laboratories, and mobile oil field bunkhouses are not designed as dwellings, but are classified as commercial semitrailers and must be registered and titled as commercial semitrailers if operated on the public streets and highways.

    (C) House trailer-type vehicles and camper trailers must meet the following criteria in order to be titled.

      (i) A house trailer-type vehicle that is less than eight feet six inches in width or less than 45 feet in length is classified as a travel trailer and shall be registered and titled.

      (ii) A camper trailer shall be titled as a house trailer and shall be registered with travel trailer license plates.

      (iii) A recreational park model type trailer that is primarily designed as temporary living quarters for recreational, camping or seasonal use, is built on a single chassis, and is 400 square feet or less when measured at the largest horizontal projection when in the set up mode shall be titled as a house trailer and may be issued travel trailer license plates.

  (5) Assembled vehicles. The title requirements for assembled vehicles are prescribed in Subchapter L of this title (relating to Assembled Vehicles).

  (6) Not Eligible for Title. The following are not eligible for a Texas title regardless of the vehicle's previous title or registration in this or any other jurisdiction:

    (A) vehicles that are missing or are stripped of their motor, frame, or body, to the extent that the vehicle loses its original identity or makes the vehicle unsafe for on-road operation as determined by the department;

    (B) vehicles designed by the manufacturer for on-track racing only;

    (C) vehicles designed or determined by the department to be for off-highway use only, unless specifically defined as a "motor vehicle" in Transportation Code Chapter 501; or

    (D) vehicles assembled, built, constructed, rebuilt, or reconstructed in any manner with:

      (i) a body or frame from a vehicle which is a "nonrepairable motor vehicle" as that term is defined in Transportation Code §501.091(9); or

      (ii) a motor or engine from a vehicle which is flood damaged, water damaged, or any other term which may reasonably establish the vehicle from which the motor or engine was obtained is a loss due to a water related event.

Source Note: The provisions of this §217.3 adopted to be effective March 12, 2015, 40 TexReg 1096; amended to be effective March 9, 2016, 41 TexReg 1721; amended to be effective August 8, 2016, 41 TexReg 5766; amended to be effective December 4, 2016, 41 TexReg 9335; amended to be effective November 14, 2017, 42 TexReg 6382; amended to be effective June 22, 2020, 45 TexReg 4058; amended to be effective December 30, 2020, 45 TexReg 9581; amended to be effective November 14, 2024, 49 TexReg 8980

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