(a) Business Licensee- Any person engaged in structural
pest control for compensation must secure a business license in the
business's operating name from the department for each business location,
including branch offices. Each business licensee must designate a
responsible certified commercial applicator for each business location
who is not also serving as a responsible certified commercial applicator
for any other business licensee or any other business location. The
business license may reflect only those categories in which at least
one (1) certified applicator is actively licensed. A business licensee
may not operate at any time without a designated responsible certified
commercial applicator and current general pest control liability insurance.
(b) Responsible Certified Commercial Applicator- A
certified commercial applicator who has been designated and notified
by the business licensee to be responsible for training and supervision
of all pest control operations of the business. The person may be
employed by other business location(s) as a certified commercial applicator,
but may only be the designated responsible certified commercial applicator
for one (1) business license location.
(c) Certified Commercial Applicator- A person licensed
in at least one (1) category as a certified commercial applicator
who can perform pest control services, identifications, and control
measures without direct supervision but under general supervision
of the responsible certified commercial applicator. A certified commercial
applicator must hold a separate license for every business for which
the certified commercial applicator is employed but is not required
to hold a separate license for branch offices of an employer. A certified
commercial applicator may only provide services in categories in which
the certified commercial applicator is certified.
(d) Certified Noncommercial Applicator- An employee
of a governmental entity, apartment building, day care center, hospital,
nursing home, hotel, motel, lodge, warehouse, food-processing establishment,
school or educational institution, and other noncommercial entity.
A person licensed in at least one (1) category as a certified noncommercial
applicator may perform pest control services, identifications, and
control measures without direct supervision. A certified noncommercial
applicator must be licensed for every business entity for which the
certified noncommercial applicator is employed but is not required
to hold a separate license for branch offices of an employer.
(e) Responsible Certified Noncommercial Applicator-
A certified noncommercial applicator who has been designated and notified
by the noncommercial entity to be responsible for training, supervision,
and records of all noncommercial apprentices and technicians of the
noncommercial entity.
(f) Technician- A person licensed in at least one (1)
category who performs pest control services under the direct supervision
of a certified commercial or noncommercial applicator. A technician
must be licensed for every business or noncommercial entity for which
the technician is employed, but is not required to hold a separate
license for branch offices of the technician's employer. A technician
may only provide services in categories in which the technician is
(g) Apprentice- A sales or service employee who is
registered by a structural pest control business or noncommercial
entity to complete the required training for a technician license
and has not yet passed a technician exam. An apprentice may work only
for the business or noncommercial entity for which the apprentice
is registered.