(a) Storage and disposal of a pesticide and/or its
container shall be made consistent with the pesticide's labeling.
(b) No person may dispose of, discard, or store any
pesticide or pesticide container in a manner that may cause or result
in injury to humans, vegetation, crops, livestock, wildlife, pollinating
insects, or pollution of any water supply or waterway.
(c) The applicator, the owner of the pesticide, and/or
the person in control of the mixing shall be jointly and severally
liable for proper storage and disposal of pesticide containers and
(d) The name on either the pesticide label or the specimen
label shall be written on the pesticide container if the name of the
pesticide is not on the pesticide container and the pesticide's identity
is known. Nothing in this subsection shall be construed as authorizing
the misbranding of a pesticide as defined in §76.023 of the Texas
Agriculture Code.
(e) A person storing a pesticide shall maintain the
complete label of that pesticide, in hard copy, for as long as the
pesticide is being stored. If the complete label is not available
and the pesticide's identity is known, the person storing the pesticide
shall obtain a hard copy of the EPA pesticide label.
(f) For every pesticide that is being stored, a hard
copy of the complete label, shall be made immediately available for
inspection to the department's inspector at the site where the pesticide
is being stored.