The following words and terms, when used in this division,
have the following meanings unless the context clearly indicates otherwise.
(1) Audio-only--An interactive, two-way audio communication
that uses only sound and meets the privacy requirements of the Health
Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. Audio-only includes
the use of telephonic communication.
(2) Behavioral health services--This term includes
mental health and substance use disorder services.
(3) Declaration of state of disaster--An executive
order or proclamation by the governor declaring a state of disaster
in accordance with Texas Government Code §418.014.
(4) In-Person--Within the physical presence of another
person. In-person does not include interacting with a client via a
telemedicine medical service or a telehealth service.
(5) Non-behavioral health service--Any health service
that is not a behavioral health service.
(6) Platform--This term has the meaning assigned by
Texas Government Code §531.001(4-d).
(7) Telehealth service--This term has the meaning assigned
by Texas Occupations Code §111.001.
(8) Telemedicine medical service--This term has the
meaning assigned by Texas Occupations Code §111.001.