(a) The enforcement authority granted to the Board
under Chapter 1301 of the Texas Occupations Code, and any associated
rules, may be used to enforce the Plumbing License Law, Board Rules,
and Board orders.
(b) The enforcement authority granted to municipalities
and plumbing inspectors under §1301.503 and §1301.551 of
the Texas Occupations Code and to political subdivisions under §1301.255,
and any associated rules, shall be used to enforce the Plumbing License
Law, Board Rules, and applicable municipal ordinances or bylaws and
adopted codes.
(c) The enforcement authority granted to licensed Plumbing
Inspectors under §§1301.255, 1301.503 and 1301.551 of the
Texas Occupations Code, and any associated rules, shall be used to
enforce the Plumbing License Law, Board Rules, and applicable municipal
ordinances or bylaws and adopted codes.
(d) The enforcement authority granted to a Field Representative
employed by the Board under §1301.203 of the Texas Occupations
Code, and any associated rules, may be used to enforce the Plumbing
License Law and Board Rules.