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RULE §263.104Process for Enrollment of Applicants

(a) HHSC notifies a LIDDA, in writing, when the opportunity for enrollment in the HCS Program becomes available in the LIDDA's local service area and directs the LIDDA to offer enrollment to an applicant:

  (1) whose interest list date, assigned in accordance with §263.103 of this subchapter (relating to HCS Interest List), is earliest on the statewide interest list for the HCS Program maintained by HHSC; or

  (2) who is a member of a target group identified in the HCS Program waiver application approved by CMS.

(b) Except as provided in subsection (c) of this section, a LIDDA must offer enrollment in the HCS Program in writing and deliver it to the applicant or LAR by United States mail or by hand delivery.

(c) A LIDDA must offer enrollment in the HCS Program to an applicant described in subsection (a)(2) of this section in accordance with HHSC's procedures.

(d) A LIDDA must include in a written offer that is made in accordance with subsection (a)(1) of this section:

  (1) a statement that:

    (A) if the applicant or LAR does not respond to the offer of enrollment in the HCS Program within 30 calendar days after the LIDDA's written offer, the LIDDA withdraws the offer; and

    (B) if the applicant is currently receiving services from the LIDDA that are funded by general revenue and the applicant or LAR declines the offer of enrollment in the HCS Program, the LIDDA terminates those services funded by general revenue that are similar to services provided in the HCS Program; and

  (2) the HHSC Deadline Notification form, which is available on the HHSC website.

(e) If an applicant or LAR responds to an offer of enrollment in the HCS Program, a LIDDA must:

  (1) provide the applicant, LAR, and, if the LAR is not a family member, at least one family member if possible, both an oral and written explanation of the services and supports for which the applicant may be eligible, including the ICF/IID Program, both state supported living centers and community-based facilities, waiver programs authorized under §1915(c) of the Social Security Act, and other community-based services and supports, using the HHSC Explanation of Services and Supports document, which is available on the HHSC website;

  (2) provide the applicant and LAR both an oral and a written explanation of all HCS Program services and CFC services using the HHSC Understanding Program Eligibility and Services form, which is available on the HHSC website; and

  (3) give the applicant or LAR the HHSC Waiver Program Verification of Freedom of Choice form, which is available on the HHSC website, to document the applicant's choice between the HCS Program or the ICF/IID Program.

(f) A LIDDA must withdraw an offer of enrollment in the HCS Program made to an applicant or LAR if:

  (1) within 30 calendar days after the LIDDA's offer made to the applicant or LAR in accordance with subsection (a)(1) of this section, the applicant or LAR does not respond to the offer of enrollment in the HCS Program;

  (2) within seven calendar days after the applicant or LAR receives the HHSC Waiver Program Verification of Freedom of Choice form from the LIDDA in accordance with subsection (e)(3) of this section, the applicant or LAR does not use the form to document the applicant's choice, the HCS Program or the ICF/IID Program;

  (3) within 30 calendar days after the applicant or LAR receives the contact information for all program providers in the LIDDA's local service area in accordance with subsection (j)(3) of this section, the applicant or LAR does not document the choice of a program provider using the HHSC Documentation of Provider Choice form, which is available on the HHSC website;

  (4) the applicant or LAR does not complete the necessary activities to finalize the enrollment process and HHSC has approved the withdrawal of the offer; or

  (5) the applicant has moved out of the State of Texas.

(g) If a LIDDA withdraws an offer of enrollment in the HCS Program made to an applicant, the LIDDA must notify the applicant or LAR of such action, in writing, by certified United States mail.

(h) If an applicant is currently receiving services from a LIDDA that are funded by general revenue and the applicant or LAR declines the offer of enrollment in the HCS Program, the LIDDA must terminate those services funded by general revenue that are similar to services provided in the HCS Program.

(i) If a LIDDA terminates an applicant's services in accordance with subsection (h) of this section, the LIDDA must notify the applicant or LAR of the termination, in writing, by certified United States mail and provide an opportunity for a review in accordance with §301.155 of this title (relating to Notification and Appeals Process).

(j) If an applicant or LAR accepts the offer of enrollment in the HCS Program, the LIDDA must compile and maintain information necessary to process the applicant's request for enrollment.

  (1) If the applicant's financial eligibility for the HCS Program must be established, the LIDDA must initiate, monitor, and support the processes necessary to obtain a financial eligibility determination.

  (2) The LIDDA must complete an ID/RC Assessment in accordance with §263.105 of this subchapter (relating to LOC Determination) and §263.106 of this subchapter (relating to LON Assignment).

    (A) The LIDDA must:

      (i) do one of the following:

        (I) conduct a DID in accordance with §304.401 of this title (relating to Conducting a Determination of Intellectual Disability) except that the following activities must be conducted in person:

          (-a-) a standardized measure of the individual's intellectual functioning using an appropriate test based on the characteristics of the individual; and

          (-b-) a standardized measure of the individual's adaptive abilities and deficits reported as the individual's adaptive behavior level; or

        (II) review and endorse a DID report in accordance with §304.403 of this title (relating to Review and Endorsement of a Determination of Intellectual Disability Report); and

      (ii) determine whether the applicant has been diagnosed by a licensed physician as having a related condition.

    (B) The LIDDA must:

      (i) conduct an ICAP assessment in person; and

      (ii) recommend an LON assignment to HHSC in accordance with §263.106 of this subchapter.

    (C) The LIDDA must enter the information from the completed ID/RC Assessment and electronically submit the information to HHSC for approval in accordance with §263.105(a) of this subchapter and §263.106(a) of this subchapter and, if applicable, submit supporting documentation as required by §263.107(c) of this subchapter (relating to HHSC Review of LON).

  (3) The LIDDA must provide names and contact information to the applicant or LAR for all program providers in the LIDDA's local service area.

  (4) The LIDDA must assign a service coordinator who, together with other members of the applicant's service planning team, must:

    (A) develop a PDP;

    (B) if CFC PAS/HAB is included on the PDP, complete the HHSC HCS/TxHmL CFC PAS/HAB Assessment form, which is available on the HHSC website, to determine the number of CFC PAS/HAB hours the applicant needs; and

    (C) develop an initial IPC in accordance with §263.301(c) of this chapter (relating to IPC Requirements).

  (5) The CFC PAS/HAB Assessment form required by paragraph (4)(B) of this subsection must be completed in person with the individual unless the following conditions are met in which case the form may be completed by videoconferencing or telephone:

    (A) the service coordinator gives the individual the opportunity to complete the form in person in lieu of completing it by videoconferencing or telephone and the individual agrees to the form being completed by videoconferencing or telephone; and

    (B) the individual receives appropriate in-person support during the completion of the form by videoconferencing or telephone.

  (6) A service coordinator must discuss the CDS option with the applicant or LAR in accordance with §263.401(a) and (b) of this chapter (relating to CDS Option).

(k) A service coordinator must:

  (1) arrange for meetings and visits with potential program providers as requested by an applicant or LAR;

  (2) review the initial IPC with potential program providers as requested by the applicant or LAR;

  (3) ensure that the applicant's or LAR's choice of a program provider is documented on the HHSC Documentation of Provider Choice form and that the form is signed by the applicant or LAR;


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