(a) APRNs should access and review the prescription
monitoring program (PMP) authorized by Chapter 481, Health and Safety
Code, prior to prescribing any controlled substance for patients being
treated for pain.
(b) APRNs must access and review the PMP before prescribing
opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates, or carisoprodol unless:
(1) the patient has been diagnosed with cancer or the
patient is receiving hospice care; and
(2) the APRN clearly notes on the prescription or in
the electronic prescription record that the patient was diagnosed
with cancer or is receiving hospice care, as applicable.
(c) An APRN will not be subject to disciplinary action
if the APRN:
(1) makes a good faith attempt to access and review
the PMP prior to prescribing opioids, benzodiazepines, barbiturates,
or carisoprodol, but is unable to access the information because of
circumstances outside the control of the APRN; and
(2) clearly notes on the patient's prescription or
in the patient's electronic prescription record the APRN's attempt
to access and review the PMP and the circumstances that prevented
the APRN from being able to do so.
(d) Documentation that the review of the PMP occurred
and rationale for prescribing a controlled substance must be included
in the patient's medical record.
(e) This section takes effect September 1, 2019.