(a) A local government, as defined in Texas Health
and Safety Code Chapter 300, or a district, as defined in Texas Health
and Safety Code Chapter 300A, that creates a new local provider participation
fund (LPPF) as authorized by those chapters must send HHSC notice
of the creation of a new LPPF according to the following procedures.
(1) HHSC must receive notice of a newly created LPPF
electronically to PFD_LFM@hhs.texas.gov no later than 10 business
days from the date of the local government or district's creation
of the LPPF.
(2) The notice must contain the following.
(A) Contact information for at least two employees,
board members, or elected officials of the local government or district
authorized to implement an LPPF, as well as any individuals the local
government or district authorizes to receive informational updates
related to LPPF formation and reporting. Contact information shall
(i) full names;
(ii) titles and description of involvement with the
LPPF (if not an employee, board member, or elected official of the
local government or district);
(iii) email addresses; and
(iv) phone numbers.
(B) Audio recordings of discussions or written minutes
from public meetings, such as commissioner's court meetings or hospital
district board meetings, that document the approval of LPPF formation
and any associated rate setting.
(C) Resolution approving rules and procedures for LPPF
mandatory assessment payments.
(D) Resolution authorizing the formation of the LPPF,
collection of a mandatory assessment payment, and use of funds from
the mandatory assessment payments.
(E) Public notices from a hardcopy or digital source,
such as a newspaper article, notifying providers in the jurisdiction
of the intent to create an LPPF and set associated rates.
(F) Copies of written notice provided to the chief
operating officer of each provider that will be required to pay a
mandatory assessment.
(G) Invoices or other records of LPPF mandatory assessments
and payments received from providers, if any, have been made at the
time notice is provided to HHSC.
(H) Any agreements between the local government or
district implementing the LPPF (including a local government that
created the district under Texas Health and Safety Code §300A.0021)
and a health care provider or entity related to a health care provider
that is required to pay a mandatory assessment, if applicable.
(3) On receipt of a notice for the creation of an LPPF,
(A) acknowledges receipt of the notice to the local
government or district; and
(B) reviews the information submitted by the local
government or district.
(i) HHSC may request additional information from the
local government or district. The additional information must be received
by HHSC no later than 10 business days from the date of the written
request for additional information.
(ii) HHSC will extend this deadline for an additional
10 business days if it receives a request for the extension prior
to the initial 10 business day due date. A request for an extension
that is not received by the stated deadline will not be accepted.
(4) No local government or district may transfer local
funds generated by an LPPF to HHSC via intergovernmental transfer
(IGT) until it has completed the following steps.
(A) Notify HHSC of the creation of the LPPF in accordance
with this section and receive acknowledgment of receipt from HHSC.
(B) Provide HHSC documentation that the governmental
entity has completed the following:
(i) Established a distinct bank account for the LPPF
that is not commingled with other funds of the governmental entity.
(ii) Established a unique TEXNET account for the LPPF
through the Texas Comptroller of Public Accounts that allows transfers
from only the distinct bank account identified in clause (i) of this
(iii) Emailed PFD_Payments@hhs.texas.gov to confirm
that the bank account HHSC has on file for issuing LPPF account refunds
matches the distinct bank account identified in clause (i) of this
(C) Provide HHSC with any additional information requested
by HHSC as provided in this section.
(b) Any local government or district that creates an
LPPF is subject to annual reporting requirements under 1 TAC Chapter
355, Subchapter L (relating to Local Funds Monitoring).