(a) An application for training school approval shall
be submitted in the manner prescribed by the department.
(b) To be approved, the school must:
(1) Use the department's most current training manual;
(2) Obtain approval of all instructors as provided
under §35.143 of this title (relating to Training Instructor
(3) Ensure that all owners, officers, partners, or
shareholders are in compliance with the fingerprint submission requirement
and individual license requirements of the Act, §1702.110 and §1702.221,
(c) The letter of approval shall be valid for one (1)
year and may be renewed by submitting an application for renewal thirty
(30) days prior to the expiration date.
(d) If registered as provided in §1702.181 of
the Act, a security department of a private business or a security
department of a political subdivision may seek approval as a training
school by meeting requirements of this chapter where applicable. A
training school approved under this section may only train employees
of the entity.
(e) The department may deny an application for approval
for any reason relating to the failure to satisfy the requirements
of this section, or for prior violations of the Act or this chapter
on the part of the owners or instructors associated with the applicant.
(f) The department may withdraw or suspend approval
of a training school upon evidence the school has operated in violation
of the Act or this chapter, or upon notification that an owner, officer,
partner or shareholder has been charged with or convicted of a disqualifying
offense as provided in §35.4 of this title (relating to Guidelines
For Disqualifying Criminal Offenses). Certificates of completion or
proficiency submitted for courses taught subsequent to notification
of withdrawal or suspension of the school's approval will be rejected.