(a) Administrative costs include employee compensation
and related costs for staff performance of management, reporting,
and accounting of HHSP activities, including office space. Costs associated
with the purchase or licensing of HMIS or an HMIS-comparable databases
are eligible administrative costs.
(b) Case management costs include staff salaries related
to assessing, arranging, coordinating and monitoring the delivery
of services related to finding or maintaining housing. Costs include,
but are not limited to, Household eligibility determination, counseling,
coordinating services and obtaining mainstream benefits for Program
Participants, monitoring Program Participant progress, providing safety
planning for persons under VAWA, developing a housing and service
plan, and entry into HMIS or an HMIS-comparable database.
(c) Construction rehabilitation, and conversion costs
include, but are not limited to, costs for:
(1) Pre-Development, such as environmental review,
site-control, survey, appraisal, architectural fees, and legal fees.
(2) Development, such as:
(A) land acquisition;
(B) site work (including infrastructure for service
utilities, walkways, curbs, gutters);
(C) lot clearance and site preparation;
(D) construction to meet uniform building codes, international
energy conservation code, or local rehabilitation standards;
(E) accessibility features to site and building;
(F) essential improvements and energy-related improvements;
(G) abatement of lead-based paint hazards;
(H) barrier removal/construction for accessibility
features for persons with disabilities; and
(I) non-luxury general property improvements.
(d) Essential services costs are associated with finding
and maintaining stable housing, and include, but are not limited to,
costs for:
(1) out-patient medical services;
(2) child care;
(3) education services;
(4) legal services;
(5) mental health services;
(6) local transportation assistance;
(7) drug and alcohol rehabilitation; and
(8) job training.
(e) Homelessness prevention and homelessness assistance
costs are associated with housing relocation, stabilization and assistance
costs. Staff time entering information into HMIS or HMIS-comparable
database related to homelessness prevention and homeless assistance
is also an eligible cost. Homeless prevention and homelessness assistance
costs include, but are not limited to, hotel or motel costs; transitional
housing; rental and utility assistance; rental arrears; utility reconnection
fees; reasonable and customary security and utility deposits; and
moving costs.
(f) Operation costs include rent, utilities, supplies
and equipment purchases, food pantry supplies, and other related costs
necessary to operate an emergency shelter or Transitional Living Activities,
serving individuals experiencing or at-risk of homelessness.