(a) Notice of withdrawal. A property owner or the property
owner's agent using the online arbitration system under §9.4204(a)
of this title must withdraw a request for binding arbitration using
the online arbitration system. A property owner or the property owner's
agent using paper-based filing under §9.4204(b) of this title
must deliver a written notice of the withdrawal to all parties and
the comptroller.
(b) Timely withdrawal. If the comptroller receives
the notice of withdrawal before an arbitrator accepts the case, the
notice is considered timely, and the deposit will be refunded pursuant
to §9.4209 of this title.
(c) Untimely withdrawal. If the comptroller receives
the notice of withdrawal after an arbitrator accepts the case, the
notice is considered untimely and the arbitrator is entitled to charge
a fee, up to the amount allowed in §9.4226 or §9.4247 of
this title, as applicable, out of the deposit.