(a) A dealer, a governmental agency, or a converter
is required to have internet access to connect to the temporary tag
databases maintained by the department.
(b) Except as provided by §215.157 of this title
(relating to Advance Numbers, Preprinted Internet-down Temporary Tags),
before a temporary tag may be issued and displayed on a vehicle, a
dealer, a governmental agency, or converter must:
(1) enter in the temporary tag database true and accurate
information about the vehicle, dealer, converter, or buyer, as appropriate;
(2) obtain a specific number for the temporary tag.
(c) The department will inform each dealer annually
of the maximum number of buyer's temporary tags the dealer is authorized
to issue during the calendar year under Transportation Code §503.0632.
The number of buyer's temporary tags allocated to each dealer by the
department will be determined based on the following formula:
(1) Sales data determined from the department's systems
from the previous three fiscal years. A dealer's base number will
contain the sum of:
(A) the greater number of:
(i) in-state buyer's temporary tags issued in one fiscal
year during the previous three fiscal years; or
(ii) title transactions processed through the Registration
and Title System in one fiscal year during the previous three fiscal
years; but
(iii) the amount will be limited to an amount that
is not more than two times the number of title transactions identified
in subparagraph (ii) of this paragraph; and
(B) the addition of the greatest number of out-of-state
buyer's temporary tags issued in one fiscal year during the previous
three fiscal years;
(2) the total value of paragraph (1) of this subsection
will be increased by a multiplier based on the dealer's time in operation
giving a 10 percent increase in tags for each year the dealer has
been in operation up to 10 years;
(3) the total value of paragraph (2) of this subsection
will be increased by a multiplier that is the greater of:
(A) the dealer's actual growth rate percentage identified
from the preceding two fiscal years, calculated by the growth of the
number of title transactions processed through the Registration and
Title System plus the growth of the number of out-of-state buyer's
temporary tags issued, except that it may not exceed 200 percent;
(B) the statewide actual growth rate percentage identified
from the preceding two fiscal years, calculated by the growth of the
number of title transactions processed through the Registration and
Title System plus the growth of the number of out-of-state buyer's
temporary tags issued, not less than zero, to determine the buyer's
temporary tag allotment; and
(4) the department may increase the determined allotment
of buyer's temporary tags for dealers in the state, in a geographic
or population area, or in a county, based on:
(A) changes in the market;
(B) temporary conditions that may affect sales; and
(C) any other information the department considers
(d) The department will inform each dealer annually
of the maximum number of agent temporary tags and vehicle specific
temporary tags the dealer is authorized to issue during the calendar
year under Transportation Code §503.0632. The number of agent
temporary tags and vehicle specific temporary tags allocated to each
dealer by the department, for each tag type, will be determined based
on the following formula:
(1) dealer temporary tag data for agent temporary tags
and vehicle specific temporary tags determined from the department's
systems from the previous three fiscal years. A dealer's base number
will contain the maximum number of dealer temporary tags issued during
the previous three fiscal years;
(2) the total value of paragraph (1) of this subsection
will be increased by a multiplier based on the dealer's time in operation
giving a 10 percent increase in tags for each year the dealer has
been in operation up to 10 years; and
(3) the total value of paragraph (2) of this subsection
will be increased by a multiplier that is the greater of:
(A) the dealer's actual growth rate percentage identified
from the preceding two fiscal years, calculated by the growth of the
number of dealer's temporary tags issued, except that it may not exceed
200 percent; or
(B) the statewide actual growth rate percentage identified
from the preceding two fiscal years, calculated by the growth of the
number of dealer's temporary tags issued, not less than zero, to determine
the dealer's temporary tag allotment; and
(4) the department may increase a dealer's allotment
of agent temporary tags and vehicle specific temporary tags for dealers
in the state, in a geographic or population area, or in a county,
based on:
(A) changes in the market;
(B) temporary conditions that may affect sales; and
(C) any other information the department considers
(e) The department will inform each converter annually
of the maximum number of temporary tags the converter is authorized
to issue during the calendar year under Transportation Code §503.0632.
The number of temporary tags allocated to each converter by the department
will be determined based on the following formula:
(1) converter temporary tag data determined from the
department's systems from the previous three fiscal years. A converter's
base number will contain the maximum number of converter temporary
tags issued during the previous three fiscal years;
(2) the total value of paragraph (1) of this subsection
will be increased by a multiplier based on the converter's time in
operation giving a 10 percent increase in tags for each year the dealer
has been in operation up to 10 years; and
(3) the total value of paragraph (2) of this subsection
will be increased by a multiplier that is the greater of:
(A) the converter's actual growth rate percentage identified
from the preceding two fiscal years, calculated by the growth of the
number of converter's temporary tags issued, except that it may not
exceed 200 percent; or
(B) the statewide actual growth rate percentage identified
from the preceding two fiscal years, calculated by the growth of the
number of converter's temporary tags issued, not less than zero, to
determine the converter's temporary tag allotment;
(4) the department may increase a converter's allotment
of converter temporary tags for converters in the state, in a geographic
or population area, or in a county, based on:
(A) changes in the market;
(B) temporary conditions that may affect sales; and
(C) any other information the department considers
(f) A dealer or converter that is licensed after the
commencement of a calendar year shall be authorized to issue the number
of temporary tags allotted in this subsection prorated on all or part
of the remaining months until the commencement of the calendar year
after the dealer's or converter's initial license expires. The initial
allocations shall be as determined by the department in granting the
license, but not more than:
(1) 1,000 temporary tags for a franchised dealer per
each tag type, buyer's temporary tags, agent temporary tags, and vehicle
specific tags, unless:
(A) the dealer provides credible information indicating
that a greater number of tags is warranted based on anticipated sales,
and growth, to include new and used vehicle sales, including information
from the manufacturer or distributor, or as otherwise provided in
this section; and
(B) if more than 1,000 temporary tags are determined
to be needed based on anticipated sales and growth, the total number
of temporary tags needed, including the 1,000, will be doubled;
(2) 300 temporary tags for a nonfranchised dealer per
each tag type, buyer's temporary tags, agent temporary tags, and vehicle
specific tags, unless the dealer provides credible information indicating
that a greater number of tags is warranted based on anticipated sales
as otherwise provided in this section; and
(3) A converter will be allocated 600 temporary tags,
unless the converter provides credible information indicating that
a greater number of tags is warranted based on anticipated sales,
including information from the manufacturer or distributor, or as
otherwise provided in this section.
(g) An existing dealer or converter that is:
(1) moving its operations from one location to a different
location will continue with its allotment of temporary tags and not
be allocated temporary tags under subsection (f) of this section;
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