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RULE §17.100Coordinating Board Reports

The Commissioner shall annually approve the following reports:

  (1) Space Projection Model. A space planning model to estimate the NASF of E&G space needed at institutions of higher education.

    (A) Periodic Review. The General Academic Institutions, Technical Colleges, and State Colleges Formula Advisory Committee and Health-Related Institutions Formula Advisory Committee established under chapter 1, subchapter L of this title (relating to Formula Advisory Committee-General Academic Institutions, Technical Colleges, and State Colleges) and chapter 1, subchapter M, of this title (relating to Formula Advisory Committee-Health-Related Institutions) may review the model and recommend changes.

    (B) Use. The Board may use the models developed under this section to determine the need for space on campuses, as a component of recommended funding formulas for public institutions of higher education, and as standards for facilities development projects.

  (2) Space Usage Efficiency (SUE). An annual report on the intensity of use of E&G facilities at institutions of higher education for classrooms and class laboratories. Classroom and class lab utilization data are not calculated for health-related institutions.

  (3) Construction Costs. A calculation of the mean and one standard deviation above the mean for construction building costs per square foot. The costs shall be based on similar projects reported to the Coordinating Board, within the immediate prior seven years, annually adjusted for inflation for the region of the state where the project is located. As a minimum, the calculations shall be developed for both new construction/addition and repair and renovation for all facility types available and shall be published on the agency website.

Source Note: The provisions of this §17.100 adopted to be effective November 11, 2021, 46 TexReg 7605; amended to be effective November 14, 2024, 49 TexReg 8898

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