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RULE §510.87Enforcement

Enforcement is a process by which a sanction is proposed, and if warranted, imposed on an applicant or licensee regulated by the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC) for failure to comply with applicable statutes, rules, and orders.

  (1) Denial, suspension or revocation of a license or imposition of an administrative penalty. HHSC has jurisdiction to enforce violations of Texas Health and Safety Code (HSC) Chapters 571 through 578 or the rules adopted under these chapters. HHSC may deny, suspend, or revoke a license or impose an administrative penalty for:

    (A) failure to comply with any applicable provision of the HSC, including Chapters 161, 321, 322, and 571 through 578;

    (B) failure to comply with any provision of this chapter or any other applicable laws;

    (C) the facility, or any of its employees, committing an act which causes actual harm or risk of harm to the health or safety of a patient;

    (D) the facility, or any of its employees, materially altering any license issued by HHSC;

    (E) failure to comply with minimum standards for licensure;

    (F) failure to provide a complete license application;

    (G) failure to comply with an order of the executive commissioner or another enforcement procedure under HSC Chapters 571 through 578;

    (H) a history of failure to comply with the applicable rules relating to patient environment, health, safety, and rights;

    (I) the facility aiding, committing, abetting, or permitting the commission of an illegal act;

    (J) the facility, or any of its employees, committing fraud, misrepresentation, or concealment of a material fact on any documents required to be submitted to HHSC or required to be maintained by the facility pursuant to HSC Chapters 571 through 578 and the provisions of this chapter;

    (K) failure to timely pay an assessed administrative penalty as required by HHSC;

    (L) failure to submit an acceptable plan of correction for cited deficiencies within the timeframe required by HHSC;

    (M) failure to timely implement plans of corrections to deficiencies cited by HHSC within the dates designated in the plan of correction;

    (N) failure to comply with applicable requirements within a designated probation period; or

    (O) if the facility is participating under Title XVIII of the Social Security Act, 42 United States Code (USC), §1395 et seq., the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services terminating the facility's Medicare provider agreement.

  (2) Denial of a license. HHSC has jurisdiction to enforce violations of HSC Chapters 571 through 578 or the rules adopted under this chapter. HHSC may deny a license if the applicant:

    (A) fails to provide timely and sufficient information required by HHSC that is directly related to the license application; or

    (B) has had the following actions taken against the applicant within the two-year period preceding the license application:

      (i) decertification or cancellation of its contract under the Medicare or Medicaid program in any state;

      (ii) federal Medicare or state Medicaid sanctions or penalties;

      (iii) unsatisfied federal or state tax liens;

      (iv) unsatisfied final judgments;

      (v) eviction involving any property or space used as a hospital in any state;

      (vi) unresolved federal Medicare or state Medicaid audit exceptions;

      (vii) denial, suspension, or revocation of a hospital license, a private psychiatric hospital license, or a license for any health care facility in any state; or

      (viii) a court injunction prohibiting ownership or operation of a facility.

  (3) Order for immediate license suspension. HHSC may suspend a license for 10 days pending a hearing if after an investigation HHSC finds that there is an immediate threat to the health or safety of the patients or employees of a licensed facility. HHSC may issue necessary orders for the patients' welfare.

  (4) Probation. In lieu of denying, suspending, or revoking a license, HHSC may place a facility on probation for a period of not less than 30 days, if HHSC finds that the facility is in repeated non-compliance with this chapter or HSC Chapters 571 through 578 and the facility's noncompliance does not endanger the public's health and safety.

    (A) HHSC shall provide notice to the facility of the probation and of the items of noncompliance not later than the 10th day before the date the probation period begins.

    (B) During the probation period, the facility shall correct the items of noncompliance and report the corrections to HHSC for approval.

  (5) Administrative penalty. HHSC has jurisdiction to impose an administrative penalty against a person licensed or regulated under this chapter for violations of applicable chapters of the HSC or this chapter. The imposition of an administrative penalty shall be in accordance with the provisions of HSC §571.025.

  (6) Licensure of persons or entities with criminal backgrounds. HHSC may deny a person or entity a license or suspend or revoke an existing license on the grounds that the person or entity has been convicted of a felony or misdemeanor that directly relates to the duties and responsibilities of the ownership or operation of a facility. HHSC shall apply the requirements of Texas Occupations Code Chapter 53.

    (A) HHSC is entitled under Texas Government Code Chapter 411 to obtain criminal history information maintained by the Texas Department of Public Safety, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, or any other law enforcement agency to investigate the eligibility of an applicant for an initial or renewal license and to investigate the continued eligibility of a licensee.

    (B) In determining whether a criminal conviction directly relates, HHSC shall apply the requirements and consider the provisions of Texas Occupations Code Chapter 53 (relating to Consequences of Criminal Conviction).

    (C) The following felonies and misdemeanors directly relate to the duties and responsibilities of the ownership or operation of a health care facility because these criminal offenses indicate an ability or a tendency for the person to be unable to own or operate a facility:

      (i) a misdemeanor violation of HSC Chapter 571;

      (ii) a misdemeanor or felony involving moral turpitude;

      (iii) a misdemeanor or felony relating to deceptive business practices;

      (iv) a misdemeanor or felony of practicing any health-related profession without a required license;

      (v) a misdemeanor or felony under any federal or state law relating to drugs, dangerous drugs, or controlled substances;

      (vi) a misdemeanor or felony under Texas Penal Code (TPC), Title 5, involving a patient or a client of any health care facility, a home and community support services agency, or a health care professional; or

      (vii) a misdemeanor or felony under TPC:

        (I) Title 4;

        (II) Title 5;

        (III) Title 7;

        (IV) Title 8;

        (V) Title 9;

        (VI) Title 10; or

        (VII) Title 11.

  (7) Offenses listed in paragraph (6)(C) of this section are not exclusive in that HHSC may consider similar criminal convictions from other state, federal, foreign or military jurisdictions that indicate an inability or tendency for the person or entity to be unable to own or operate a facility.

  (8) HHSC shall revoke a license on the licensee's imprisonment following a felony conviction, felony community supervision revocation, revocation of parole, or revocation of mandatory supervision.

  (9) Notice. If HHSC proposes to deny, suspend, or revoke a license, or impose an administrative penalty, HHSC shall send a notice of the proposed action by certified mail, return receipt requested, at the address shown in the current records of HHSC or HHSC may personally deliver the notice. The notice to deny, suspend, or revoke a license, or impose an administrative penalty, shall state the alleged facts or conduct to warrant the proposed action, provide an opportunity to demonstrate or achieve compliance, and shall state that the applicant or license holder has an opportunity for a hearing before taking the action.

  (10) Acceptance. Within 20 calendar days after receipt of the notice described in paragraph (9) of this section, the applicant or licensee shall notify HHSC, in writing, of acceptance of HHSC's determination or request a hearing.

  (11) Hearing request.


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