(a) For each source requesting a six-year extension of the
compliance date for control requirements in accordance with §115.920
of this title (relating to Applicability), there shall be established an Early
Reductions Plan reflecting the emission reduction for VOC which qualifies
the source for the six-year extension. In lieu of preparing a site-specific
State Implementation Plan (SIP) for such Early Reductions Plan, a facility
owner or operator shall comply with the requirements of this division (relating
to Early Reductions).
(b) Documentation required for approval of the extension shall
demonstrate to the satisfaction of the executive director that emissions data
for the identified source reflects verifiable data based on information for
such source. Documentation shall include but is not limited to:
(1) a listing and description of controlled equipment;
(2) a listing of postponed required controls;
(3) a listing of uncontrolled emissions identified in the 1990
Emission Inventory;
(4) specific facility identification number(s) (FIN);
(5) specific emission point number(s) (EPN);
(6) account number(s);
(7) identification of applicable permit number(s);
(8) calculation(s), test data, and test methods for all VOC
emissions associated with each identified source pertaining to paragraphs
(1) and (2) of this subsection including an explanation;
(9) calculation(s), test data, and test methods for VOC reductions
as compared to the 1990 Emission Inventory;
(10) an emission limitation; and
(11) any other relevant information necessary to evaluate the
merits and/or enforceability of the Early Reduction Plan, as may be requested
by the executive director.