§745.8993 |
Am I eligible to renew my administrator's license? |
§745.8995 |
When do I request renewal of my administrator's license? |
§745.8997 |
How do I request renewal of my administrator's license ? |
§745.9001 |
Must I undergo a background check in order to renew my administrator's license as inactive? |
§745.9003 |
How much is the renewal fee? |
§745.9005 |
How much is the renewal fee if I am requesting inactive status? |
§745.9009 |
What are the renewal requirements if I have both a CCAL and a CPAAL? |
§745.9011 |
What happens if I do not renew my administrator's license? |
§745.9013 |
How does a remedial action that is pending against my administrator's license affect renewal requirements for that license? |
§745.9017 |
Will Licensing return my renewal fee if I am not eligible for renewal? |