Modifications, additions, or relocations of equipment (excluding add-on
controls) used for semiconductor manufacturing operations that result in the
addition, increase, or substitution of an air contaminant are permitted by
rule provided the following conditions of this section are satisfied.
(1) The following is a list of definitions for this section.
(A) Permitted air contaminants--The individual chemical compounds
represented in the latest permit or permit amendment application approved
by the executive director.
(B) Ground Level Contaminant (GLC1 )(max)
new--The maximum hourly off-property GLC resulting from the new emission rate
of air contaminant 1.
(C) GLC1 (receptor) new--The maximum
hourly off-property GLC at the sensitive receptor with the highest possible
impacts resulting from the new emission rate of air contaminant 1.
(D) GLC2(max)--The maximum hourly
off-property GLC resulting from the emission rate of air contaminant 2.
(E) GLC2(receptor)--The maximum
hourly off-property GLC at the sensitive receptor with the highest possible
impacts resulting from the emission rate of air contaminant 2.
(F) ESL1 --The 30-minute Effects
Screening Level (ESL) published in the commission's ESL list dated April 10,
1995, for air contaminant 1.
(G) ESL2--The 30-minute ESL published
in the commission's ESL list dated April 10, 1995, for air contaminant 2.
(2) New emissions or an emission increase of any
air contaminant less than 0.04 pounds per hour (sitewide) are exempt from
all conditions of this section except paragraphs (3), (11), and (l2) of this
(3) A permit has been issued by the commission for at
least one emission source owned by the person using this section on the same
property for which this section is being claimed.
(4) The facility's baseline GLCs of the permitted air
contaminants have been determined using air dispersion modeling or other methods.
(5) New emission points are not authorized by this section.
(6) There will be no change in method of control for any
air contaminants as represented in the latest permit or permit amendment application
approved by the executive director.
(7) Increases of a permitted air contaminant shall meet
all of the following criteria:
(A) GLC1 (max)new ≤ 2ESL1 ;
(B) GLC1 (receptor)new ≤ ESL1 .
(8) Additions of a non-permitted air contaminant,
substitutions of a non-permitted air contaminant for a permitted air contaminant,
and substitutions of one permitted air contaminant for another permitted air
contaminant shall meet all of the following criteria:
(A) GLC2(max)new ≤ 2ESL2;
(B) GLC2(receptor)new ≤ ESL2.
(9) If the commission ESL list dated April 10, 1995,
does not include the air contaminant to be added or substituted, the permittee
must use an ESL derived by the commission's Toxicology and Risk Assessment
Division. The ESL shall be obtained in writing prior to the use of the new
(10) The cumulative net annual emission increases of the
following categories of air contaminants from multiple uses of this section
shall not exceed the following values:
(A) particulate matter--five tons per year (tpy);
(B) volatile organic compounds (VOCs)--15 tpy;
(C) non-VOCs--five tpy;
(D) acids/bases--ten tpy;
(E) any other air contaminant--five tpy;
(F) total of all emission increases--25 tpy.
(11) The applicable ground-level concentration limits
in Chapters 111, 112, and 113 of this title (relating to Control of Air Pollution
from Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter; Sulfur Compounds; and Toxic
Materials) shall not be exceeded.
(12) Within 30 days of use of this section, the permittee
shall maintain documentation that demonstrates all applicable conditions of
this section were satisfied. The documentation shall be made available to
the commission upon request.