(a) This section authorizes routine maintenance, start-up and
shutdown of facilities, and specific temporary maintenance facilities except
as specified in subsection (b) of this section.
(b) The following are not authorized under this section:
(1) construction of any new or modified permanent facility;
(2) reconstruction under 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part
60, New Source Performance Standards, Subpart A, §60.15 (relating to
(3) physical or operational changes to a facility which increase
capacity or production beyond previously existing performance levels or results
in the emission of a new air contaminant;
(4) facilities and sources that are de minimis as allowed in §116.119
of this title (relating to De Minimis Facilities or Sources);
(5) piping fugitive emissions authorized under a permit or
another permit by rule; and
(6) any emissions associated with operations claimed under
the following sections of this chapter:
(A) §106.231 of this title (relating to Manufacturing,
Refinishing, and Restoring Wood Products);
(B) §106.351 of this title (relating to Salt Water Disposal
(C) §106.352 of this title (relating to Oil and Gas Production
(D) §106.353 of this title (relating to Temporary Oil
and Gas Facilities);
(E) §106.355 of this title (relating to Pipeline Metering,
Purging, and Maintenance);
(F) §106.392 of this title (relating to Thermoset Resin
(G) §106.418 of this title (relating to Printing Presses);
(H) §106.433 of this title (relating to Surface Coat Facility);
(I) §106.435 of this title (relating to Classic or Antique
Automobile Restoration Facility);
(J) §106.436 of this title (relating to Auto Body Refinishing
Facility); and
(K) §106.512 of this title (relating to Stationary Engines
and Turbines).
(c) The following activities and facilities are authorized
under this section:
(1) routine maintenance activities which are those that are
planned and predictable and ensure the continuous normal operation of a facility
or control device or return a facility or control device to normal operating
(2) routine start-ups and shutdowns which are those that are
planned and predictable; and
(3) temporary maintenance facilities which are constructed
in conjunction with maintenance activities. Temporary maintenance facilities
include only the following:
(A) facilities used for abrasive blasting, surface preparation,
and surface coating on immovable fixed structures;
(B) facilities used for testing and repair of engines and turbines;
(C) compressors, pumps, or engines and associated pipes, valves,
flanges, and connections, not operating as a replacement for an existing authorized
(D) flares, vapor combustors, catalytic oxidizers, thermal
oxidizers, carbon adsorption units, and other control devices used to control
vent gases released during the degassing of immovable, fixed process vessels,
storage vessels, and associated piping to atmospheric pressure, plus cleaning
apparatus that will have or cause emissions;
(E) temporary piping required to bypass a unit or pipeline
section undergoing maintenance; and
(F) liquid or gas-fired vaporizers used for the purpose of
vaporizing inert gas.
(d) Emissions from routine maintenance (excluding temporary
maintenance facilities), start-up, and shutdown are:
(1) limited to 24-hour emission totals which are less than
the reportable quantities defined in §101.1(82) of this title (relating
to Definitions) for individual occurrences;
(2) required to be authorized under Chapter 116 of this title
(relating to Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification)
or comply with §101.7 and §101.11 of this title (relating to Maintenance,
Start-up and Shutdown Reporting, Recordkeeping, and Operational Requirements,
and Demonstrations) if unable to comply with paragraph (1) of this subsection
or subsection (f) of this section; and
(3) required to comply with subsection (f) of this section.
(e) In addition to the emission limits in subsection (f) of
this section, specific temporary maintenance facilities as listed in subsection
(c)(3) of this section must meet the following additional requirements:
(1) flares or vapor combustors must meet the requirements of §106.492(1)
and (2)(C) of this title (relating to Flares);
(2) catalytic oxidizers must meet the requirements of §106.533(5)(C)
of this title (relating to Water and Soil Remediation);
(3) thermal oxidizers must meet the requirements of §106.493(2)
and (3) of this title (relating to Direct Flame Incinerators);
(4) carbon adsorption systems must meet the requirements of §106.533(5)(D)
of this title;
(5) other control devices used to control vents caused by the
degassing of process vessels, storage vessels, and associated piping must
have an overall vapor collection and destruction or removal efficiency of
at least 90%;
(6) any temporary maintenance facility that cannot meet all
applicable limitations of this section must obtain authorization under Chapter
116 of this title; and
(7) temporary maintenance facilities may not operate at a given
location for longer than 180 consecutive days or the completion of a single
project unless the facility is registered. If a single project requires more
than 180 consecutive days to complete, the facilities must be registered using
a PI-7 Form, along with documentation on the project. Registration and supporting
documentation shall be submitted upon determining the length of the project
will exceed 180 days, but no later than 180 days after the project begins.
(f) All emissions covered by this section are limited to, collectively
and cumulatively, less than any applicable emission limit under §106.4(a)(1)
- (3) of this title (relating to Requirements for Permitting by Rule) in any
rolling 12-month period.
(g) Facility owners or operators must retain records containing
sufficient information to demonstrate compliance with this section and must
include information listed in paragraphs (1) - (4) of this subsection. Documentation
must be separate and distinct from records maintained for any other air authorization.
Records must identify the following for all maintenance, start-up, or shutdown
activities and temporary maintenance facilities:
(1) the type and reason for the activity or facility construction;
(2) the processes and equipment involved;
(3) the date, time, and duration of the activity or facility
operation; and
(4) the air contaminants and amounts which are emitted as a
result of the activity or facility operation.