(a) Portable facility requirements. The following requirements apply to portable facilities. (1) A portable permit must be authorized by the executive director and designated with the appropriate portable permit, portable registration, or portable account number. (2) An applicant shall not use a permit by rule or standard permit authorization as a waiver of public notice (public notice requirements as specified in subsection (b)(2) of this section) regardless of the registration number or account code assigned by the executive director. A facility authorized by the Air Quality Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants or concrete batch plant permits by rule for which an applicant provided public notice is an exception. (3) The executive director will not convert a permanent facility permit number to a portable designation unless the owner or operator is requesting a change of location as defined in §116.20 of this title (relating to Portable Facilities Definitions) for the facility. The permit holder must publish notice for any change in an existing permit number. The notice must identify the new permit number and the proposed location. (b) Relocation qualifications. The appropriate regional office may approve the relocation of a portable facility if the applicant's permit contains current special conditions defining the approval process to move. A relocation application cannot include a modification. Approval for relocation is based on one of the following conditions: (1) a permitted portable facility and associated equipment are moving to a site for support of a public works project in which the proposed site is located in or contiguous to the right-of-way of the public works project; or (2) a portable facility is moving to a site in which a portable facility has been located at the site at any time during the previous two years and the site was subject to public notice as required under Chapter 39 of this title (relating to Public Notice), the Air Quality Standard Permit for Concrete Batch Plants, or the concrete batch plant permits by rule. (c) Relocation request requirements. The permit holder shall submit a complete written request to the appropriate commission regional office for the new location and obtain written approval before the start of construction and commencement of operations at the new site. The permit holder is responsible for providing proof of submittal for all relocation requests. Construction may begin after receipt of approval from the appropriate commission regional office or 12 business days after the date of postmark or the date of personal delivery of the request, whichever occurs first, unless disapproval is sent within the 12 business days. The permit holder's request is considered approved if the appropriate regional office does not provide approval or denial of a complete submittal within 12 business days; however, the presumed approval does not exempt the applicant from ensuring that public notice was accomplished at the new site as required under Chapter 39 of this title. The relocation request shall contain all of the following information: (1) the company name, address, company contact, and telephone number; (2) a copy of the existing permit conditions and the maximum allowable emission rates table that is in effect for the permitted facility; (3) the regulated entity number (RN), customer reference number (CN), applicable permit or registration numbers, and, if available, the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality account number; (4) the location from which the facility is moving (current location); (5) a location description of the proposed site (city, county, and exact physical location description); (6) a scaled plot plan that identifies the location of all equipment and stockpiles, and also indicates that the required distances to the property lines can be met; (7) a scaled area map that identifies the distance and direction to the closest off-property receptor (if required) and clearly indicates how the proposed site is contiguous or adjacent to the right-of-way of a public works project (if required); (8) the proposed date for start of construction and expected date for start of operation; (9) the expected time period at the proposed site; (10) the permit or registration number of the portable facility that was located at the proposed site any time during the last two years, and the date the facility was last located there. This information is not necessary if the relocation request is for a public works project that is contiguous or adjacent to the right-of-way of a public works project; and (11) proof that the proposed site had accomplished public notice, as required by Chapter 39 of this title. This proof is not necessary if the relocation request is for a public works project that is contiguous or adjacent to the right-of-way of a public works project. (d) Denial of relocation. If the permit holder cannot qualify for a relocation, as described in subsection (c) of this section, the appropriate regional office shall deny the relocation request and the applicant may request a change of location, as defined in §116.20 of this title. (e) Requesting changes to relocation instructions. A permit holder shall request from the executive director a permit alteration, as defined in §116.116(c)(1)(B) of this title (relating to Changes to Facilities), to update relocation instructions. The permit holder may apply for a relocation simultaneously with the alteration. The permit holder shall obtain written approval before the start of construction and commencement of operations at the new site and shall not assume approval within 12 businesses days. The permit holder shall submit the following information for any alteration request and relocation application to the TCEQ Central Office in Austin, Air Permits Division: (1) the required form and attachments, including a detailed plot plan and area map; and (2) a copy of the current permit. (f) Requesting changes of location. For a change of location application, the permit holder shall submit the required form and attachments to the TCEQ Central Office in Austin, Air Permits Division. All applications must include an evaluation of best available control technology and protection of public health and welfare as described in §116.111(a)(2)(C) of this title (relating to General Application). |