(a) The commission shall publish on a publicly accessible
Internet Web site a list of television manufacturers:
(1) whose recovery plans have been approved by the
commission, if applicable; who have certified that their public education
programs are in full compliance with this subchapter, if applicable;
and who are in compliance with the registration and fee requirements
of this subchapter, if applicable; or
(2) who manufacture a display device that is peripheral
to a computer and contains a television tuner; who collect and recycle
the device in accordance with Subchapter I of this chapter (relating
to Computer Equipment Recycling Program); and who do not manufacture
any other device subject to this subchapter.
(b) The commission shall remove television manufacturers
no longer in compliance under subsection (a) of this section from
the Internet Web site once each fiscal quarter.
(c) The commission shall educate consumers regarding
the collection and recycling of covered television equipment.
(d) The commission shall host or designate another
person to host an Internet Web site and shall provide a toll-free
telephone number to provide consumers with information about the recycling
of covered television equipment, including best management practices
and information about or links to information about:
(1) television manufacturers' collection and recycling
programs, including television manufacturers' recovery plans; and
(2) covered television equipment collection events,
collection sites, and community television equipment recycling programs.
(e) Information about collection and recycling provided
on a television manufacturer's publicly available Internet Web site
and through a toll-free telephone number does not constitute a determination
by the commission that the television manufacturer's recovery plan
or actual practices are in compliance with this subchapter or other
law. The commission's list under subsection (a) of this section does
not constitute a determination by the commission that a television
manufacturer's actual practices are in compliance with this subchapter
or other law.
(f) Not later than November 1 of each year, the commission
shall establish the state recycling rate by computing the ratio of
the weight of total returns of covered television equipment in this
state by television manufacturers submitting a recovery plan under §328.173
of this title (relating to Manufacturer's Recovery Plan and Related
Responsibilities) to the total weight of covered television equipment
sold in this state by television manufacturers submitting a recovery
plan under §328.173 of this title during the preceding year.
(g) Not later than December 1 of each year, the commission
shall compute and provide to each registered television manufacturer
submitting a recovery plan under §328.173 of this title the television
manufacturer's market share allocation for collection, reuse, and
recycling for the following year. A television manufacturer's market
share allocation equals the weight of the television manufacturer's
covered television equipment sold in this state during the preceding
calendar year multiplied by the state recycling rate determined under
subsection (f) of this section.
(h) In any year in which more than one recycling leadership
program is implemented under §328.175 of this title (relating
to Manufacturer Recycling Leadership Program), the commission shall
review all active recycling leadership programs established under
this subchapter to ensure the programs are operating in a manner consistent
with the goals of this subchapter, including a balanced recycling
effort. Based on the commission's review, the commission may make
recommendations to the legislature on ways to improve the balance
of the recycling effort.
(i) The commission shall provide to each county and
municipality of this state information regarding the legal disposal
and recycling of covered television equipment. The information must
be provided in writing.
(j) Biennial Report to Legislature.
(1) The commission shall compile information from television
manufacturers and issue an electronic report to the committee in each
house of the legislature having primary jurisdiction over environmental
matters not later than March 1 of each even-numbered year.
(2) The report must include:
(A) collection information provided to the commission
by each television manufacturer's report required by §328.171
of this title (relating to Manufacturer's Registration and Reporting)
or §328.177 of this title (relating to Recycling Leadership Program
Collection Report), as applicable;
(B) a summary of comments that have been received from
stakeholders such as television manufacturers, electronic equipment
recyclers, local governments, and nonprofit organizations;
(C) any recommendations under subsection (h) of this
section; and
(D) any other information that would assist the legislature
in evaluating the effectiveness of this subchapter.