(a) General requirements.
(1) Any composting or mulching operation that has existing
authority under the Texas Clean Air Act does not have to meet the
air quality criteria of this subchapter. Under Texas Clean Air Act, §382.051,
any new composting or mulching operation that meets all of the applicable
requirements of this subchapter is entitled to an air quality standard
permit authorization under this subchapter in lieu of the requirement
to obtain an air quality permit under Chapter 116 of this title (relating
to Control of Air Pollution by Permits for New Construction or Modification).
(2) Those composting or mulching operations that would
otherwise be required to obtain air quality authorization under Chapter
116 of this title and that cannot satisfy all of the requirements
of this subchapter, shall apply for and obtain air quality authorization
under Chapter 116 of this title in addition to any notification, registration,
or permit required in this subchapter.
(3) Any composting or mulching operation authorized
under this chapter that is a new major source or any modification
that constitutes a major modification under nonattainment review or
prevention of significant deterioration review as amended by the Federal
Clean Air Act amendments of 1990, and regulations promulgation thereunder,
is subject to the requirements of Chapter 116 of this title, in addition
to any notification, registration, or permit required in this chapter.
(4) Composting facilities that do not wish to comply
with the requirements of this section are required to apply for and
obtain air quality authorization under Chapter 116 of this title.
Once a person has applied for and obtained air quality authorization
under Chapter 116 of this title, the person is exempt from the air
quality requirements of this chapter.
(5) No person may concurrently hold an air quality
permit issued under Chapter 116 of this title and an air quality standard
permit authorized under this chapter for composting or mulching operations
at the same site.
(6) Composting or mulching operations that have authorization
under this chapter shall comply with the general requirements in §332.4
of this title (relating to General Requirements), and subsections
(b), (c), (d), or (e) of this section.
(7) The operator of a composting or mulching operation
operating under an air quality standard permit shall maintain on file
at all times and make immediately available documentation that shows
compliance with this section.
(b) Exempt operations. Composting and mulching operations
that are considered exempt operations under §332.3(d) of this
title (relating to Applicability), and that meet the following requirements
are entitled to an air quality standard permit.
(1) If the total volume of materials to be mulched
and/or composted, including in-process and processed materials at
any time is greater than 2,000 cubic yards, the setback distance from
all property boundaries to the edge of the area receiving, processing,
or storing feedstock or finished product must be at least 50 feet.
(2) All permanent in-plant roads and vehicle work areas
shall be watered, treated with dust-suppressant chemicals, or paved
and cleaned as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions.
Vehicular speeds on non-paved roads shall not exceed ten miles per
(3) Except for initial start-up and shut-down, the
receiving chamber on all grinders shall be adequately filled prior
to commencement of grinding and remain filled during grinding operations
to minimize emissions from the receiving chamber or grinding operations
shall occur inside an enclosed structure. In addition, all grinders
not enclosed inside a building shall be equipped with low-velocity
fog nozzles spaced to create a continuous fog curtain or the operator
shall have portable watering equipment available during the grinding
operation. These controls shall be utilized as necessary for maximum
control of dust when stockpiling ground material.
(4) All conveyors that off-load materials from grinders
at a point that is not enclosed inside a building shall have available
a water or mechanical dust suppression system. These controls shall
be utilized as necessary for maximum control of dust when stockpiling
ground material.
(5) If there are any changes to the composting or mulching
operation that would reclassify it from an exempt operation to a notification,
registration, or permit facility as authorized under §332.3 of
this title, the operation shall obtain an air quality standard permit
for a notification, registered, or permitted composting operation.
(c) Notification operations. Composting operations
required to notify under §332.3(c) of this title that meet the
following requirements are entitled to an air quality standard permit.
(1) The setback distance from all property boundaries
to the edge of the area receiving, processing, or storing feedstock
or finished product must be at least 50 feet.
(2) All permanent in-plant roads and vehicle work areas
shall be watered, treated with dust-suppressant chemicals, or paved
and cleaned as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions.
Vehicular speeds on non-paved roads shall not exceed ten miles per
(3) Prior to receiving any material with a high odor
potential such as, but not limited to, dairy material feedstocks,
meat, fish, and oil and grease feedstocks, the operator shall ensure
that there is an adequate volume of bulking material to blend with/cover
the material, and shall begin processing the material in a manner
that prevents nuisances.
(4) Except for initial start-up and shut-down, the
receiving chamber on all grinders shall be adequately filled prior
to commencement of grinding and remain filled during grinding operations
to minimize emissions from the receiving chamber or grinding operations
shall occur inside an enclosed structure. In addition, all grinders
not enclosed inside a building shall be equipped with low-velocity
fog nozzles spaced to create a continuous fog curtain or the operator
shall have portable watering equipment available during the grinding
operation. These controls shall be utilized as necessary for maximum
control of dust when stockpiling ground material.
(5) All conveyors that off-load materials from grinders
at a point that is not enclosed inside a building shall have available
a water or mechanical dust suppression system. These controls shall
be utilized as necessary for maximum control of dust when stockpiling
ground material.
(6) If there are any changes to the composting or mulching
operation that would reclassify it from a notification operation to
a registration or permit operation as authorized under §332.3
of this title, the operation shall obtain an air quality standard
permit for a registered or permitted composting operation.
(d) Registered operations. Composting operations required
to obtain a registration under §332.3(b) of this title that meet
the following requirements are entitled to an air quality standard
(1) All permanent in-plant roads and vehicle work areas
shall be watered, treated with dust-suppressant chemicals, or paved
and cleaned as necessary to achieve maximum control of dust emissions.
Vehicular speeds on non-paved roads shall not exceed ten miles per
(2) Prior to receiving any material with a high odor
potential such as, but not limited to, dairy material feedstocks,
sewage sludge, meat, fish, and oil and grease feedstocks, the operator
shall ensure that there is an adequate volume of bulking material
to blend with or cover the material, and shall begin processing the
material in a manner that prevents nuisances.
(3) All material shall be conveyed mechanically, or
if conveyed pneumatically, the conveying air shall be vented to the
atmosphere through a fabric filter(s) having a maximum filtering velocity
of 4.0 ft/min with mechanical cleaning or 7.0 ft/min with air cleaning.
(4) Except for initial start-up and shut-down, the
receiving chamber on all grinders shall be adequately filled prior
to commencement of grinding and remain filled during grinding operations
to minimize emissions from the receiving chamber or grinding operations
shall occur inside an enclosed structure. In addition, all grinders
not enclosed inside a building shall be equipped with low-velocity
fog nozzles spaced to create a continuous fog curtain or the operator
shall have portable watering equipment available during the grinding
operation. These controls shall be utilized as necessary for maximum
control of dust when stockpiling ground material.
(5) All conveyors that off-load materials from grinders
at a point that is not enclosed inside a building shall have available
a water or mechanical dust suppression system. These controls shall
be utilized as necessary for maximum control of dust when stockpiling
ground material.
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