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RULE §357.10Definitions and Acronyms

The following words, used in this chapter, have the following meanings.

  (1) Agricultural Water Conservation--Defined in §363.1302 of this title (relating to Definition of Terms).

  (2) Alternative Water Management Strategy--A fully evaluated Water Management Strategy that may be substituted into a Regional Water Plan in the event that a recommended Water Management Strategy is no longer recommended.

  (3) Availability--Maximum amount of raw water that could be produced by a source during a repeat of the Drought of Record, regardless of whether the supply is physically connected to or legally accessible by Water User Groups.

  (4) Board--The Texas Water Development Board.

  (5) Collective Reporting Unit--A grouping of utilities located in the Regional Water Planning Area. Utilities within a Collective Reporting Unit must have a logical relationship, such as being served by common Wholesale Water Providers, having common sources, or other appropriate associations.

  (6) Commission--The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality.

  (7) County-Other--An aggregation of utilities and individual water users within a county and not included in paragraph (43)(A) - (D) of this section.

  (8) Drought Contingency Plan--A plan required from wholesale and retail public water suppliers and irrigation districts pursuant to Texas Water Code §11.1272 (relating to Drought Contingency Plans for Certain Applicants and Water Right Holders). The plan may consist of one or more strategies for temporary supply and demand management and demand management responses to temporary and potentially recurring water supply shortages and other water supply emergencies as required by the Commission.

  (9) Drought Management Measures--Demand management activities to be implemented during drought that may be evaluated and included as Water Management Strategies.

  (10) Drought Management Water Management Strategy--A drought management measure or measures evaluated and/or recommended in a State or Regional Water Plan that quantifies temporary reductions in demand during drought conditions.

  (11) Drought of Record--The period of time when historical records indicate that natural hydrological conditions would have provided the least amount of water supply.

  (12) Executive Administrator (EA)--The Executive Administrator of the Board or a designated representative.

  (13) Existing Water Supply--Maximum amount of water that is physically and legally accessible from existing sources for immediate use by a Water User Group under a repeat of Drought of Record conditions.

  (14) Firm Yield--Maximum water volume a reservoir can provide each year under a repeat of the Drought of Record using anticipated sedimentation rates and assuming that all senior water rights will be totally utilized and all applicable permit conditions met.

  (15) Interbasin Transfer of Surface Water--Defined and governed in Texas Water Code §11.085 (relating to Interbasin Transfers) as the diverting of any state water from a river basin and transfer of that water to any other river basin.

  (16) Interregional Conflict--An interregional conflict exists when:

    (A) more than one Regional Water Plan includes the same source of water supply for identified and quantified recommended Water Management Strategies and there is insufficient water available to implement such Water Management Strategies; or

    (B) in the instance of a recommended Water Management Strategy proposed to be supplied from a different Regional Water Planning Area, the Regional Water Planning Group with the location of the strategy has studied the impacts of the recommended Water Management Strategy on its economic, agricultural, and natural resources, and demonstrates to the Board that there is a potential for a substantial adverse effect on the region as a result of those impacts.

  (17) Intraregional Conflict--A conflict between two or more identified, quantified, and recommended Water Management Strategies in the same Initially Prepared Plan that rely upon the same water source, so that there is not sufficient water available to fully implement all Water Management Strategies and thereby creating an over-allocation of that source.

  (18) Initially Prepared Plan (IPP)--Draft Regional Water Plan that is presented at a public hearing in accordance with §357.21(h) of this title (relating to Notice and Public Participation) and submitted for Board review and comment.

  (19) Major Water Provider (MWP)--A Water User Group or a Wholesale Water Provider of particular significance to the region's water supply as determined by the Regional Water Planning Group. This may include public or private entities that provide water for any water use category.

  (20) Modeled Available Groundwater (MAG) Peak Factor--A percentage (e.g., greater than 100 percent) that is applied to a modeled available groundwater value reflecting the annual groundwater availability that, for planning purposes, shall be considered temporarily available for pumping consistent with desired future conditions. The approval of a MAG Peak Factor is not intended as a limit to permits or as guaranteed approval or pre-approval of any future permit application.

  (21) Planning Decades--Temporal snapshots of conditions anticipated to occur and presented at even intervals over the planning horizon used to present simultaneous demands, supplies, needs, and strategy volume data. A Water Management Strategy that is shown as providing a supply in the 2040 decade, for example, is assumed to come online in or prior to the year 2040.

  (22) Political Subdivision--City, county, district, or authority created under the Texas Constitution, Article III, §52, or Article XVI, §59, any other Political Subdivision of the state, any interstate compact commission to which the state is a party, and any nonprofit water supply corporation created and operating under Texas Water Code Chapter 67 (relating to Nonprofit Water Supply or Sewer Service Corporations).

  (23) Regional Water Plan (RWP)--The plan adopted or amended by a Regional Water Planning Group pursuant to Texas Water Code §16.053 (relating to Regional Water Plans) and this chapter.

  (24) Regional Water Planning Area (RWPA)--Area designated pursuant to Texas Water Code §16.053.

  (25) Regional Water Planning Gallons Per Capita Per Day--For Regional Water Planning purposes, Gallons Per Capita Per Day is the annual volume of water pumped, diverted, or purchased minus the volume exported (sold) to other water systems or large industrial facilities divided by 365 and divided by the permanent resident population of the Municipal Water User Group in the regional water planning process. Coastal saline and reused/recycled water is not included in this volume.

  (26) Regional Water Planning Group (RWPG)--Group designated pursuant to Texas Water Code §16.053.

  (27) RWPG-Estimated Groundwater Availability--The groundwater Availability used for planning purposes as determined by RWPGs to which §357.32(d)(2) of this title (relating to Water Supply Analysis) is applicable or where no desired future condition has been adopted.

  (28) Retail Public Utility--Defined in Texas Water Code §13.002 (relating to Water Rates and Services) as "any person, corporation, public utility, water supply or sewer service corporation, municipality, Political Subdivision or agency operating, maintaining, or controlling in this state facilities for providing potable water service or sewer service, or both, for compensation."

  (29) Reuse--Defined in §363.1302 of this title (relating to Definition of Terms).

  (30) State Drought Preparedness Plan--A plan, separate from the State Water Plan, that is developed by the Drought Preparedness Council for the purpose of mitigating the effects of drought pursuant to Texas Water Code §16.0551 (relating to State Drought Preparedness Plan).

  (31) State Drought Response Plan--A plan prepared and directed by the chief of the Texas Division of Emergency Management for the purpose of managing and coordinating the drought response component of the State Water Plan and the State Drought Preparedness Plan pursuant to Texas Water Code §16.055 (relating to Drought Response Plan).

  (32) State Water Plan--The most recent state water plan adopted by the Board under the Texas Water Code §16.051 (relating to State Water Plan).

  (33) State Water Planning Database--Database maintained by TWDB that stores data related to population and Water Demand projections, water Availability, Existing Water Supplies, Water Management Strategy supplies, and Water Management Strategy Projects. It is used to collect, analyze, and disseminate regional and statewide water planning data.


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