appropriate regional office within 30 days of test completion and prior to use of the new collection system. Following the completion of the new sewer lines and manholes, they must be tested every five years thereafter in accordance with subparagraph (E) of this paragraph. (E) Testing of existing sewer lines. Owners of sewage collection systems must insure that all existing sewer lines having a diameter greater than or equal to six inches, including private service laterals, manholes, and connections, are tested to determine types and locations of structural damage and defects such as offsets, open joints, or cracked or crushed lines that would allow exfiltration to occur. Existing manholes and lift station wet wells must be tested using methods for new structures which are approved by the executive director. (i) Testing of all sewage collection systems must be conducted every five years after being put into use. Any sewage collection system in place as of March 21, 1990 must have commenced and completed the first round of five-year testing. Every five years, existing sewage collection systems must be tested to determine types and locations of structural damage and defects such as offsets, open joints, or cracked or crushed lines that would allow exfiltration to occur. These test results must be certified by a Texas licensed professional engineer. The test results must be retained by the plan holder for five years and made available to the executive director upon request. The use of one of the following methods will satisfy the requirements for the five-year testing of existing sewer lines. (I) In-place deflection testing must meet the requirements of §317.2(a)(4)(C) of this title. No pipe shall exceed a deflection rate of 5.0%. (II) Internal line inspections, using a color television camera to verify that the lines are free of structural damage such as offsets, open joints, or cracked or crushed lines, that would allow exfiltration to occur, are acceptable. The use of black and white television equipment may be used following demonstration to the executive director that an acceptable inspection can be performed as provided in subclause (IV) of this clause. (III) In-line smoke testing is acceptable only for the testing of private service laterals. (IV) Testing methods other than those listed in this subsection must be approved by the executive director prior to initiating the sewer line testing. (ii) Except as otherwise provided in an enforcement order of the commission, as soon as possible, but at least within one year of detecting defects, repairs to the sewage collection system must be completed by the system's owner. However, all leakage must be immediately contained to prevent any discharge to water in the state or pollution of the Edwards Aquifer whether necessary repairs have been completed or not. Leakage is a violation of Texas Water Code, §26.121 and these rules are not intended to excuse such unlawful discharge of waste into or adjacent to water in the state. All repairs must be certified by a Texas licensed professional engineer. Repairs must be tested within 45 days of completion using the methods described in clause (i) of this subparagraph. Results must be submitted to the appropriate regional office within 30 days of testing. (F) Blasting for sewer line excavation. Blasting for sewer line excavation must be done in accordance with appropriate criteria established by the National Fire Protection Association. Should such blasting result in damage to an existing or newly completed sewer line or any of its appurtenances, the owner of the sewer system and appurtenances must repair and retest the damaged sewer line and its appurtenances immediately. The use of sand for pipe embedment or backfill in blasted rock is prohibited. (G) Sewer line stub outs. New collection system lines must be constructed with stub outs for the connection of anticipated extensions. The location of such stub outs must be marked on the ground such that their location can be easily determined at the time of connection of the proposed extensions. All stub outs must be sealed with a manufactured cap to prevent leakage. Extensions that were not anticipated at the time of original construction or that are to be connected to an existing sewer line not furnished with stub outs must be connected using a manufactured saddle in accordance with accepted plumbing techniques. (i) Main line stub outs. Manholes must be placed at the end of all sewer lines that will be extended at a future date, as specified in §317.2(c)(5) of this title. If the main line is to be extended within one year, a variance to allow the use of a stub out until the line is extended will be considered on a case-by-case basis. At the time of original construction, new stub outs must be constructed sufficiently to extend beyond the end of the street pavement. Stub outs that were not anticipated at the time of original construction must enter the manhole using a bored or drilled hole. Chiseling or hammering to enter a manhole is prohibited. (ii) Private service lateral stub outs. Such stub outs must be manufactured using wyes or tees that are compatible in size and material with both the sewer line and the extension. Private service lateral stub outs that were not anticipated at the time of original construction must be connected using a manufactured saddle in accordance with accepted plumbing techniques. (H) Locating sewer lines within a five-year floodplain. Sewer lines may not be located within the five-year floodplain of a drainageway, unless an exemption is granted by the executive director. If the applicant demonstrates to the executive director that such location is unavoidable, and the area is subject to inundation and stream velocities which could cause erosion and scouring of backfill, the trench must be capped with concrete to prevent scouring of backfill, or the sewer lines must be encased in concrete. All concrete must have a minimum thickness of six inches. (I) Inspection of private service lateral connections. After installing and prior to covering and connecting a private service lateral to an organized sewage collection system, a Texas licensed professional engineer, Texas registered sanitarian, or appropriate city inspector must inspect the private service lateral and the connection to the collection system and certify that construction conforms with the applicable provisions of this subsection and local plumbing codes. Private service laterals may only be connected to approved sewage collection systems. (J) Embedment materials. Embedment materials must meet the specification for bedding contained in §317.2(a)(5) of this title. (K) Sewer lines bridging caverns or other sensitive features. Sewer lines that bridge caverns or sensitive features must be constructed in a manner that will maintain the structural integrity of the line. When such geologic features are encountered during construction, the location and extent of those features must be assessed by a geologist and must be reported to the appropriate regional office in writing within two working days of discovery. Notification and inspection must comply with the requirements under subsection (f) of this section. (L) Erosion and sedimentation control. A temporary erosion and sedimentation control plan must be included with all construction plans. All temporary erosion and sedimentation controls must be installed prior to construction, must be maintained during construction, and must be removed when sufficient vegetation is established to control the erosion and sedimentation and the construction area is stabilized. (M) Alternative sewage collection systems. The executive director may approve an alternative procedure which is technically justified; signed, sealed, and dated by a Texas licensed professional engineer indicating equivalent environmental protection; and which complies with the requirements of §317.2(d) of this title. (N) Required corrective action. Notwithstanding compliance with the requirements of subparagraphs (A) - (M) of this paragraph, sewage collection systems must operate in a manner that will not cause pollution of the Edwards Aquifer. Any failure must be corrected in a manner satisfactory to the executive director. (4) Contents of organized sewage collection system plan. (A) Application. For organized sewage collection systems, the information required under §213.4 of this title must be filed with the executive director at the appropriate regional office. (B) Narrative description of proposed organized sewage collection system. A narrative report must include, at a minimum, a geographic description and anticipated type of development within the sewage collection system service area. (C) Geologic assessment. A geologic assessment, as described in subsection (b)(3) of this section, must be performed by a geologist along the path of the proposed sewer line(s), plus 50 feet on each side of the proposed sewer line(s). The geologic assessment report must be signed, sealed, and dated by the geologist preparing the report. Cont'd... |