(viii) notification to the executive director that a system will provide 5.5-log Cryptosporidium treatment in lieu of raw surface water monitoring; and (ix) except for those specified in clause (iv) of this subparagraph and subparagraph (E)(i) of this paragraph, the results of all surface water treatment monitoring that are used to demonstrate log inactivation or removal. (C) The following records shall be retained for a period of five years after they are no longer in effect: (i) the records concerning a variance or exemption granted to the system; (ii) Concentration Time (CT) studies for surface water treatment plants; and (iii) the Recycling Practices Report form and other records pertaining to site-specific recycle practices for treatment plants that recycle. (D) The following records shall be retained for at least five years: (i) the results of microbiological analyses; (ii) the results of inspections (as required in subsection (m)(1) of this section) for all water storage and pressure maintenance facilities; (iii) the results of inspections as required by subsection (m)(2) of this section for all pressure filters; (iv) documentation of compliance with state approved corrective action plan and schedules required to be completed by groundwater systems that must take corrective actions; (v) documentation of the reason for an invalidated fecal indicator source sample; (vi) notification to wholesale system(s) of a distribution coliform positive sample for consecutive systems using groundwater; and (vii) Consumer Confidence Report compliance documentation. (E) The following records shall be retained for at least ten years: (i) copies of Monthly Operating Reports and any supporting documentation including turbidity monitoring results of the combined filter effluent; (ii) the results of chemical analyses; (iii) any written reports, summaries, or communications relating to sanitary surveys of the system conducted by the system itself, by a private consultant, or by the executive director shall be kept for a period not less than ten years after completion of the survey involved; (iv) copies of the Customer Service Inspection reports required by subsection (j) of this section; (v) copy of any Initial Distribution System Evaluation (IDSE) plan, report, approval letters, and other compliance documentation required by §290.115 of this title (relating to Stage 2 Disinfection By-products (TTHM and HAA5)); (vi) state notification of any modifications to an IDSE report; (vii) copy of any 40/30 certification required by §290.115 of this title; (viii) documentation of corrective actions taken by groundwater systems in accordance with §290.116 of this title; and (ix) any monitoring plans required by §290.121(b) of this title (relating to Monitoring Plans). (F) A public water system shall maintain records relating to special studies and pilot projects, special monitoring, and other system-specific matters as directed by the executive director. (4) Water systems shall submit routine reports and any additional documentation that the executive director may require to determine compliance with the requirements of this chapter. (A) The reports must be submitted to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Water Supply Division, MC 155, P.O. Box 13087, Austin, Texas 78711-3087 by the tenth day of the month following the end of the reporting period. (B) The reports must contain all the information required by the drinking water standards and the results of any special monitoring tests which have been required. (C) The reports must be completed in ink, typed, or computer-printed and must be signed by the certified water works operator. (g) Disinfection of new or repaired facilities. Disinfection by or under the direction of water system personnel must be performed when repairs are made to existing facilities and before new facilities are placed into service. Disinfection must be performed in accordance with American Water Works Association (AWWA) requirements and water samples must be submitted to a laboratory approved by the executive director. The sample results must indicate that the facility is free of microbiological contamination before it is placed into service. When it is necessary to return repaired mains to service as rapidly as possible, doses may be increased to 500 mg/L and the contact time reduced to 1/2 hour. (h) Calcium hypochlorite. A supply of calcium hypochlorite disinfectant shall be kept on hand for use when making repairs, setting meters, and disinfecting new mains prior to placing them in service. (i) Plumbing ordinance. Public water systems must adopt an adequate plumbing ordinance, regulations, or service agreement with provisions for proper enforcement to insure that neither cross-connections nor other unacceptable plumbing practices are permitted. See §290.47(b) of this title (relating to Appendices). Should sanitary control of the distribution system not reside with the purveyor, the entity retaining sanitary control shall be responsible for establishing and enforcing adequate regulations in this regard. The use of pipes and pipe fittings that contain more than 8.0% lead or solders and flux that contain more than 0.2% lead is prohibited for installation or repair of any public water supply and for installation or repair of any plumbing in a residential or nonresidential facility providing water for human consumption and connected to a public drinking water supply system. This requirement may be waived for lead joints that are necessary for repairs to cast iron pipe. (j) Customer service inspections. A customer service inspection certificate shall be completed prior to providing continuous water service to new construction, on any existing service either when the water purveyor has reason to believe that cross-connections or other potential contaminant hazards exist, or after any material improvement, correction, or addition to the private water distribution facilities. Any customer service inspection certificate form which varies from the format found in §290.47(d) of this title (relating to Appendices) must be approved by the executive director prior to being placed in use. (1) Individuals with the following credentials shall be recognized as capable of conducting a customer service inspection certification. (A) Plumbing Inspectors and Water Supply Protection Specialists licensed by the Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners (TSBPE). (B) Customer service inspectors who have completed a commission-approved course, passed an examination administered by the executive director, and hold current professional license as a customer service inspector. (2) As potential contaminant hazards are discovered, they shall be promptly eliminated to prevent possible contamination of the water supplied by the public water system. The existence of a health hazard, as identified in §290.47(i) of this title, shall be considered sufficient grounds for immediate termination of water service. Service can be restored only when the health hazard no longer exists, or until the health hazard has been isolated from the public water system in accordance with §290.44(h) of this title (relating to Water Distribution). (3) These customer service inspection requirements are not considered acceptable substitutes for and shall not apply to the sanitary control requirements stated in §290.102(a)(5) of this title (relating to General Applicability). (4) A customer service inspection is an examination of the private water distribution facilities for the purpose of providing or denying water service. This inspection is limited to the identification and prevention of cross-connections, potential contaminant hazards, and illegal lead materials. The customer service inspector has no authority or obligation beyond the scope of the commission's regulations. A customer service inspection is not a plumbing inspection as defined and regulated by the TSBPE. A customer service inspector is not permitted to perform plumbing inspections. State statutes and TSBPE adopted rules require that TSBPE licensed plumbing inspectors perform plumbing inspections of all new plumbing and alterations or additions to existing plumbing within the municipal limits of all cities, towns, and villages which have passed an ordinance adopting one of the plumbing codes recognized by TSBPE. Such entities may stipulate that the customer service inspection be performed by the plumbing inspector as a part of the more comprehensive plumbing inspection. Where such entities permit customer service inspectors to perform customer service inspections, the customer service inspector shall report any violations immediately to the local entity's plumbing inspection department. Cont'd... |