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RULE §554.2322Medicaid Bed Allocation Requirements

    (I) The de-allocation and decertification of unused beds does not affect the licensed capacity of a nursing facility.

(k) Informal review procedures.

  (1) A waiver or exemption applicant, or a Medicaid nursing facility that has been denied an increase in Medicaid bed allocation or was subject to decertification or de-allocation of Medicaid beds, may request an informal review of HHSC actions regarding bed allocations. The request must be submitted within 30 days after the date referenced on the notification of the proposed action.

  (2) A waiver or exemption applicant or a Medicaid nursing facility that has been denied an increase in Medicaid bed allocation or was subject to decertification or de-allocation of Medicaid beds, must submit a request for an informal review and all documentation or evidence that forms the basis for the informal review in writing.

  (3) The executive commissioner or the executive commissioner's designee conducts the informal review.

(l) Medicaid occupancy reports.

  (1) Medicaid nursing facilities must submit occupancy reports to HHSC each month.

    (A) The occupancy data must be reported on a form prescribed by HHSC. The form must be completed in accordance with instructions and the occupancy data must be accurate and verifiable. The completed report must be received by HHSC no later than the fifth day of the month following the reporting period.

    (B) HHSC determines the Medicaid occupancy rate by calculating the monthly average of the number of persons who occupy Medicaid beds.

    (C) HHSC includes all persons residing in Medicaid-certified beds, including Medicaid recipients, Medicare recipients, private-pay residents, or residents with other sources of payment, in the calculation.

    (D) Failure or refusal to submit accurate occupancy reports in a timely manner may result in the nursing facility's vendor payment being held in abeyance until the report is submitted.

  (2) HHSC determines nursing facility and county occupancy rates based on the data submitted by the nursing facilities.

    (A) HHSC uses the occupancy data to determine eligibility for or compliance with waiver and exemption requirements. HHSC also uses the occupancy data to determine if Medicaid beds should be decertified based on low occupancy.

    (B) HHSC makes the occupancy data available to nursing facilities, licensees, property owners, waiver or exemption applicants, and others in accordance with public disclosure requirements.

    (C) HHSC may disqualify a facility that provides inaccurate or falsified occupancy data from eligibility for bed allocation exemptions and waivers. HHSC may refuse to accept corrections to bed occupancy data submitted more than six months after the due date of the occupancy report.

(m) School-age residents. Any bed allocation waiver or exemption applicant that serves or plans to serve school-age residents must provide written notice to the affected local education agency (LEA) of its intent to establish or expand a nursing facility within the LEA's boundary.

Source Note: The provisions of this §554.2322 adopted to be effective November 1, 2002, 27 TexReg 9154; amended to be effective October 23, 2013, 38 TexReg 7316; amended to be effective April 1, 2014, 39 TexReg 2313; amended to be effective August 31, 2015, 40 TexReg 5464; amended to be effective February 20, 2018, 43 TexReg 900; transferred effective January 15, 2021, as published in the Texas Register December 11, 2020, 45 TexReg 8871

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