(a)The following students shall be exempt from the requirements of this title: (1)For a period of five (5) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs at or above the following standards: (A)ACT: composite score of 23 with a minimum of 19 on [ both] the English test and/or the mathematics test shall be exempt for those corresponding sections [tests]; (B)Scholastic Assessment Test (SAT): a combined verbal and mathematics score of 1070 with a minimum of 500 on [both] the verbal test and/or the mathematics test shall be exempt for those corresponding sections [tests]; or (2)(No change.) (3)For a period of three (3) years from the date of testing, a student who is tested and performs on the Eleventh grade exit-level Texas Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (TAKS) with a minimum scale score of 2200 on the math section and/or a minimum scale score of 2200 on the English Language Arts section with a writing subsection score of at least 3, shall be exempt from the assessment required under this title for those corresponding sections. (4) - (9)(No change.) (b)(No change.)
This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed
by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's legal authority to adopt.
Filed with the Office of
the Secretary of State on May 18, 2004
TRD-200403364 Jan
General Counsel
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Proposed date of adoption: July 15, 2004
For further information, please call: (512) 427-6114