Texas Register

RULE §9.417Property Tax Exemption for Organizations Engaged Primarily in Charitable Activities
ISSUE 03/30/2012
ACTION Final/Adopted
Preamble Texas Admin Code Rule

(a)Request for Comptroller Determination Submitted to Comptroller. An organization seeking an exemption pursuant to Tax Code, §11.184 shall use the model determination request form prescribed by the comptroller and follow all instructions and guidelines published by the comptroller for requesting a comptroller determination as provided by Tax Code, §11.184.

(b)Application for Exemption Submitted to Appraisal District. An organization seeking an exemption pursuant to Tax Code, §11.184 may use the model exemption application form prescribed by the comptroller or another form containing all information included in the comptroller's model form.

(c)An organization seeking an exemption pursuant to Tax Code, §11.184 must comply with the filing requirements for application for property tax exemption that are stated in Tax Code, §11.43(d). A request to the comptroller for a determination letter for purposes of compliance with Tax Code, §11.184 does not automatically extend the deadline for filing an application for exemption.

  (1)If an organization has not received a determination letter from the comptroller, the organization may use the following procedure to request that the chief appraiser extend the filing deadline for an application for exemption.

    (A)The organization must submit to the chief appraiser a written request for an extension by no later than April 1;

    (B)The request for extension should state that the organization has submitted a request for a determination letter to the comptroller and should have as an attachment a copy of the request for determination letter that the organization submitted to the comptroller;

    (C)The chief appraiser shall grant the organization's request for extension for a period of not longer than 60 days if the organization has complied with subparagraphs (A) and (B) of this paragraph;

    (D)The chief appraiser may verify with the comptroller that a request for a determination letter has been submitted.

  (2)Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subsection, the chief appraiser may extend the deadline for filing an application for exemption at any time under the authority provided by Tax Code, §11.43.

(d)If the chief appraiser, upon receipt of the application for tax exemption, disagrees with the comptroller's determination, then the chief appraiser may request a review of the determination by submitting a written request to the comptroller.

  (1)The written request for reconsideration must be directed to the manager of the Tax Policy Division, must contain specific grounds on which the chief appraiser disagrees with the comptroller's determination, and must be accompanied by specific evidence that supports each ground that the chief appraiser asserts.

  (2)The comptroller will respond to the written request for reconsideration within 30 calendar days from the date on which the request for reconsideration was received.

  (3)The comptroller's decision to uphold the determination is conclusive evidence that an organization is engaged primarily in performing charitable function as well as whether the corporation meets the requirements of Tax Code, §11.184(l)(1) and (2), if applicable. The decision is not subject to further appeal.

(e)Forms. All comptroller forms applicable to this section may be revised at the discretion of the comptroller. Current forms can be obtained from the Comptroller of Public Accounts' Property Tax Assistance Division.

This agency hereby certifies that the adoption has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on March 14, 2012


Ashley Harden

General Counsel

Comptroller of Public Accounts

Effective date: April 3, 2012

Proposal publication date: February 3, 2012

For further information, please call: (512) 475-0387

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