(a)(No change.) (b)A school shall submit an instructor's manual for each proposed course. The Commission [commission] may require a copy of the course materials and instructor's manual to be submitted for each previously approved course a school intends to offer. Subsequent providers shall offer the course as originally approved or as revised with the approval of the Commission [ commission] and shall use all materials required in the original or revised course. Each manual must comply with Instructor Manual Guidelines approved by the Commission [commission]. (c)The Commission [commission] is not required to approve a course sooner than 30 days after the filing of an application for course approval. (d) - (e)(No change.) (f)A course approval expires four years from the date of approval. A course that has been approved by the Commission [ commission] may be offered by the original applicant until the expiration date, except that courses approved prior to January 1, 2011 expire December 31, 2015. For a course approved after January 1, 2011 and subsequently revised and approved as required by this section, a school may no longer offer the prior version of the course for core or related credit. If any school other than the original applicant obtains approval from the Commission [commission ] to offer the same course, the expiration date remains unchanged. (g)(No change.) (h)The Texas Real Estate Commission adopts by reference the following forms, which are published by and available from the Texas Real Estate Commission, P.O. Box 12188, Austin, Texas 78711-2188, www.trec.texas.gov. (1) - (4)(No change.) (5)REF-0, Real Estate Finance approved by the Texas Real Estate Commission in 2014 for use in obtaining approval to offer a Real Estate Finance course. (i)(No change.) (j)A core course submitted to the Commission [ commission] for approval must comply with any rule or form adopted by reference which divides selected core course topics into subtopics and units, and must devote the assigned amount of time to each topic or subtopic. (k)If a form has been adopted by the Commission [ commission] for that purpose, a school applying for approval or revision of a core course shall use the form to indicate the inclusive page numbers where the course materials address each topic or subtopic as required by this subchapter. (l)If the Commission [commission] adopts a form that divides topic areas into subtopics and units for a core course required by the Act, a school must revise and supplement a previously approved course no later than 12 months after the effective date of the form adoption. Alternative delivery courses that must be recertified by a distance learning certification center acceptable to the Commission [commission] must be revised, supplemented, and recertified no later than 15 months after the effective date of the form adoption. A school must provide proof to the Commission [commission] of the revisions to the course using the form adopted by the Commission [commission]. A school may not offer a previously approved course for core credit more than 12 months, or 15 months for alternative delivery courses, after the Commission [commission] has divided topic areas into subtopics unless the Commission [commission ] has approved the revisions required by this subsection. (m)A school seeking approval of revisions to a previously approved core course pursuant to subsection (l) of this section must pay the fee required by §535.101(b)(13) of this title. If the school paid a fee for the previous approval, it shall receive a prorated credit for the unexpired time remaining on the approval. The Commission [commission] shall calculate the unexpired credit by dividing the fee paid by 48 months and multiplying the monthly prorated fee times the number of full months remaining between the date of approval and the expiration date of the prior version. A revised course approved under subsection (l) of this section expires four years from the date of approval.
The agency certifies that legal counsel has reviewed
the proposal and found
it to be within the state agency's legal authority
to adopt.
Filed with the Office
of the Secretary of State on March 4, 2014
TRD-201400985 Kerri Lewis
General Counsel
Texas Real Estate Commission
Earliest possible date of adoption: April 20, 2014
For further information, please call: (512) 936-3092