(a)Any applicant that fails only one part of a multiple part examination and passes all other parts of the same examination may [ schedule to] retake the one part that was failed, without having to retake the entire examination, [(]subject to the following conditions listed in paragraphs (1)-(4) of this subsection[)] : (1)A passing score is a score of at least 70 points, (2)A failing score is a score of 69.9 points or less, (3)A time limit of three hours is allotted for reexamination of the one failed part, (4)The full examination fee must be submitted with the application for reexamination. (b)Any applicant that fails more than one part of a multiple part examination must schedule to retake the entire examination. (c)In cases of examination failure (all or part), the Board shall require the following before the applicant retakes a regularly scheduled examination: (1)First failure: a 30-day training period, (2)Second failure: a 60-day training period, (3)Third and subsequent failures: a 90-day training period.
This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been
reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's legal authority
to adopt.
Filed with the Office of
the Secretary of State, on November 17, 2000
TRD-200008037 Robert L. Maxwell
Texas State Board of Plumbing Examiners
Earliest possible date of adoption: December 31, 2000
For further information, please call: (512) 458-2145 ext. 222