(a)To ensure the highest level of educator preparation and practice, the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) recognizes that the preparation of educators must be the joint responsibility of both educator certification [preparation] programs and the Prekindergarten-Grade 12 public and private schools of Texas. [Collaboration in the development, delivery, and evaluation of educator preparation will be required.] (b)Consistent with the Texas Education Code (TEC) §21.047 and §21.049, the SBEC [SBEC's rules governing educator preparation are designed to] promotes [promote] flexibility and creativity in the design of programs, including [Centers for the Professional Development of Teachers and ]alternative approaches [routes] to training and certification, in Pre-kindergarten-Grade 12 settings [to accommodate the unique characteristics and needs of different regions of the State as well as the diverse population of potential educators]. (c)An educator certification program is defined as an entity approved by the executive director of SBEC to recommend candidates for certification in one or more certification fields. (d)An approved educator certification program shall publish and consistently apply academic criteria for entry into the program, including the requirement that each candidate possess or concurrently be working toward obtaining a baccalaureate degree with an academic major or interdisciplinary academic major, including reading, other than education that is related to the curriculum prescribed under Chapter 28, Subchapter A of the Texas Education Code. (e)An approved educator certification program is responsible for recommending to SBEC those persons meeting all requirements for certification. (f) [(c)] All educator certification entities [preparation programs] will be subject to the same standards of performance, as required under Chapter 229 of this title (relating to the Accountability System for Educator Preparation). (g)Executives at the entities' highest levels shall support the educator certification programs and shall be accountable for the quality of the programs and the candidates recommended for certification. (h)Preparation for the certification of educators may be delivered by institutions of higher education, regional education service centers, public school districts, or other entities approved by the executive director under §228.10 of this chapter (relating to Approval Process).
This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed
by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's legal authority to adopt.
Filed with the Office of
the Secretary of State, on January 8, 2001
TRD-200100091 Pamela B. Tackett
Executive Director
State Board for Educator Certification
Earliest possible date of adoption: February 18, 2001
For further information, please call: (512) 469-3011