Texas Register

RULE §228.10Approval Process
ISSUE 01/19/2001
ACTION Proposed
Rule Withdrawn: 05/21/2001
Preamble No Rule Available

(a)Entities seeking approval to deliver educator certification programs shall address the following areas: [New Entity Approval. Entities seeking initial approval to deliver educator preparation shall submit a proposal in accordance with guidelines established by the Executive Director, with evidence indicating the ability to comply with the provisions of this chapter and Chapter 227 of this title (relating to Admission to an Educator Preparation Program). The proposal must also identify the certificates proposed to be offered by the entity. The proposal will be reviewed under procedures approved by the executive director, and the executive director shall recommend to the Board whether the entity should be approved or denied accreditation pursuant to Chapter 229, §229.3(c) of this title (relating to the Accreditation Process).]

   (1)commitment to providing a quality certification program;

   (2)criteria for entry into the program; and

   (3)training and instruction aligned with the certificate standards.

(b)Approval is necessary for each specific class of certificate for which preparation will be delivered. For classroom teacher, the level(s) of certificate(s) must be identified.

[(b)Continuing Entity Approval. Entities approved by the State Board for Educator Certification under this chapter shall be reviewed at least once every five years under procedures approved by the executive director; however, a review may be conducted at any time at the discretion of the executive director. Entities accredited under a Texas State Partnership Agreement with a national accrediting body shall be considered to have met the cyclical review requirements, unless the executive director determines that a review conducted by the SBEC is appropriate.]

[(c)Addition of Certificate Fields. ]

  [(1)Preparation programs which are fully accredited may request by "letter of intent" additional certificate fields within the classes of certificates for which they have been previously approved by the Board. The Executive Director must approve the request.]

  [(2)Preparation programs which are fully accredited may request the addition of certificate fields in a class of certificates that has not been previously approved by the Board. Under guidelines established by the Executive Director, the entity must present a full proposal for consideration and approval by the Board.]

(c)[(d)] Approval of all educator [education] certification [preparation] programs is in addition to requirements imposed by other governing bodies [by the Board or by the Executive Director, including each specific certificate field, is contingent upon approval by other lawfully established governing bodies], such as the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board, the Texas Education Agency, boards of regents, or school district boards of trustees.

(d)[(e) Denial of Approval.] Entities that fail to meet the requirements of this chapter[; Chapter 227 of this title (relating to Admission to an Educator Preparation Program);] or Chapter 229 of this title (relating to Accountability System for Educator Preparation), will not be approved to deliver educator preparation.

(e)Under guidelines established by the executive director, entities that are denied approval under the provisions of this section may appeal the executive director's decision directly to the Board.

(f)In addition to the grounds set out in Chapter 229 of this title (relating to Accountability System for Educator Preparation), the Board may revoke the program approval of an entity to deliver educator preparation for reasons including the following:

  (1)falsification of data reported to SBEC;

  (2)a rating of unaccredited or low-performing as a public school district by the Texas Education Agency; or

  (3)noncompliance with other applicable rules or laws.

This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's legal authority to adopt.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State, on January 8, 2001


Pamela B. Tackett

Executive Director

State Board for Educator Certification

Earliest possible date of adoption: February 18, 2001

For further information, please call: (512) 469-3011

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