(a)Mandatory qualifying courses. To be approved by
the Commission, the following mandatory qualifying courses must contain
the content outlined below:
(1)Principles of Real Estate I[, which]
shall contain the [following] topics and[,
the] units [of which are] outlined in the PRINS 1-0,
Qualifying Real Estate Course Approval Form, Principles of Real Estate
I, hereby adopted by reference.[:]
[(A)Introduction to Modern Real Estate
Practice - 200 minutes;]
[(B)Real Property - 60 minutes;]
[(C)Concepts and Responsibilities
of Home Ownership - 95 minutes;]
[(D)Real Estate Brokerage and the
Law of Agency - 180 minutes;]
[(E)Fair Housing Laws - 150 minutes;]
[(F)Ethics of Practice as a License
Holder - 30 minutes;]
[(G)Texas Real Estate License Act
- 180 minutes;]
[(H)Legal Descriptions - 100 minutes;]
[(I)Real Estate Contracts - 135 minutes;]
[(J)Interests in Real Estate - 180
[(K)How Home Ownership is Held -
70 minutes; and]
[(L)Listing Agreements - 120 minutes.]
(2)Principles of Real Estate II[, which]
shall contain the [following] topics and[,
the] units [of which are] outlined in the PRINS 2-0,
Qualifying Real Estate Course Approval Form, Principles of Real Estate
II, hereby adopted by reference.[:]
[(A)Real Estate Math - 200 minutes;]
[(B)Real Estate Appraisal - 200 minutes;]
[(C)Real Estate Financing Principles
- 210 minutes;]
[(D)Control of Land Use - 115 minutes;]
[(E)Specializations - 50 minutes;]
[(F)Real Estate Investments - 110
[(G)Leases - 95 minutes;]
[(H)Property Management - 120 minutes;]
[(I)Estates, Transfers, and Titles
- 200 minutes; and]
[(J)Closing Procedures/Closing the
Real Estate Transaction - 200 minutes.]
(3)Law of Agency[, which] shall contain
the [following] topics and[, the]
units [of which are] outlined in the LOA-0, Qualifying
Real Estate Course Approval Form, Law of Agency, hereby
adopted by reference.[:]
[(A)Agency Concepts - 130 minutes;]
[(B)Basic Agency Relationships, Disclosure &
Duties to Client - 125 minutes;]
[(C)Duties and Disclosures to Third
Parties - 125 minutes;]
[(D)Seller Agency - 120 minutes;]
[(E)Buyer Agency - 150 minutes;]
[(F)Representing More than one Party
in a Transaction: Intermediary Brokerage - 165 minutes;]
[(G)Creation and Termination of Agency
- 85 minutes;]
[(H)Clarifying Agency Relationships
- 45 minutes;]
[(I)Employment Issues - 120 minutes;]
[(J)Agency, Ethics and the Law -
155 minutes;]
[(K)Deceptive Trade Practices &
Consumer Protection Act - 140 minutes; and]
[(L)Implementation and Presentation
- 140 minutes.]
(4)Law of Contracts[, which] shall contain
the [following] topics and[, the]
units [of which are] outlined in the LOC-0, Qualifying
Real Estate Course Approval Form, Law of Contracts, hereby adopted
by reference.[:]
[(A)Texas Contract Law - 155 minutes;]
[(B)Basics of Real Estate Law - 115
[(C)Introduction to Contracts - 75
[(D)Ownership Rights and Limitations
- 120 minutes;]
[(E)Contracts Used in Real Estate
- 275 minutes;]
[(F)The Sales Contract - 135 minutes;]
[(G)Contingencies, Addenda and Amendments
- 105 minutes;]
[(H)Financing Real Estate - 235 minutes;]
[(I)Conveyance of Title - 90 minutes;]
[(J)Transaction Process and Closing
- 135 minutes; and]
[(K)Common Contract Mistakes - 60
(5)Promulgated Contract Forms[, which]
shall contain the [following] topics and[,
the] units [of which are] outlined in the PCF-0,
Qualifying Real Estate Course Approval Form, Promulgated Contract
Forms, hereby adopted by reference.[:]
[(A)Contract Law Overview - 155 minutes;]
[(B)Laws, Rules and Regulations -
150 minutes;]
[(C)Parties, Properties and Financing
- 155 minutes;]
[(D)Covenants, Commitments and Notices
- 160 minutes;]
[(E)Closing, Possession and More
- 220 minutes;]
[(F)The Remaining Promulgated Forms
- 205 minutes;]
[(G)Promulgated Addenda, Notices
and Other Forms - 205 minutes;]
[(H)Other Real Estate Matters - 115
minutes; and]
[(I)Practice Makes Perfect - 135
(6)Real Estate Finance[, which] shall contain
the [following] topics and[, the]
units [of which are] outlined in the REF-0, Qualifying
Real Estate Course Approval Form, Real Estate Finance, hereby adopted
by reference.[:]
[(A)The Nature & Cycle of Real
Estate Finance - 105 minutes;]
[(B)Money & the Monetary System
- 100 minutes;]
[(C)Additional Government Influence
- 200 minutes;]
[(D)The Secondary Mortgage Market
- 95 minutes;]
[(E)Sources of Funds - 110 minutes;]
[(F)Instruments of Real Estate Finance
- 170 minutes;]
[(G)Loan Types, Terms & Issues
- 200 minutes;]
[(H)Government Loans - 215 minutes;]
[(I)Lender Loan Processes - 220 minutes;]
[(J)Defaults & Foreclosures -
85 minutes.]
(7)Real Estate Brokerage (mandatory for a broker's
license) [which] shall contain the [following]
topics and[, the] units [of which are]
outlined in the REB-1 [REB-0], Qualifying Real
Estate Course Approval Form, Real Estate Brokerage, hereby adopted
by reference.[:]
[(A)The Real Estate Industry - 30
[(B)Starting a Brokerage Business
- 110 minutes;]
[(C)Ethical & Legal Business
Practices - 300 minutes;]
[(D)Analyzing the Market & the
Competition - 110 minutes;]
[(E)Managing Risk - 110 minutes;]
[(F)Financing Your Business - 110
[(G)Negotiating a Commercial Lease
- 100 minutes;]
[(H)The Marketing Plan - 150 minutes;]
[(I)Management Style & Structure
- 100 minutes;]
[(J)Recruiting & Hiring - 100
[(K)Professional Brokerage Competency &
Associate License Holder Productivity - 180 minutes;]
[(L)valuating the Business - 50 minutes;]
[(M)Growth Opportunities - 50 minutes.]
(b)Elective qualifying courses. To be approved by
the Commission, the following elective qualifying courses must contain
the content outlined below.[:]
(1)Residential Property Management[,
which] shall contain the [following] topics and[
, the] units [of which are] outlined in the PROPM-1
[PROPM-0], Qualifying Real Estate Course Approval
Form, Residential Property Management, hereby adopted by
[(A)Professional Property Management
- 120 minutes;]
[(B)Feasibility of Property Management
- 90 minutes]
[(C)Marketing Plan - 60 minutes;]
[(D)Management Operations - 130 minutes;]
[(E)Owner Relations - 120 minutes;]
[(F)Market Analysis and Management
of Housing - 95 minutes;]
[(G)Leases - 100 minutes;]
[(H)Tenant Relations - 115 minutes;]
[(I)Federal, State and Local Laws
- 230 minutes;]
[(J)Maintenance and Construction
- 90 minutes;]
[(K)Commercial Property Management
- 150 minutes;]
[(L)Risk and Environmental Issues
- 110 minutes; and]
[(M)Safety and Security Issues for
Property Managers and Staff - 90 minutes;]
(2)Real Estate Marketing[, which] shall
contain the [following] topics and[, the]
units [of which are] outlined in the REM-0, Qualifying
Real Estate Course Approval Form, Real Estate Marketing, hereby adopted
by reference.[:]
[(A)Real Estate Marketing - 80 minutes;]
[(B)The Marketing Concept - 80 minutes]
[(C)Marketing Research and Data Analysis
- 150 minutes;]
[(D)Prospecting and Target Marketing
- 80 minutes;]
[(E)Technology and Online Marketing
- 100 minutes;]
[(F)Social Media Marketing - 120
[(G)Product and Pricing Strategies
- 180 minutes;]
[(H)Compensation Models - 60 minutes;]
[(I)Characteristics of a Successful
Sales Agent - 150 minutes;]
[(J)Understanding Clients - 90 minutes;]
[(K)Negotiating and Selling Skills
- 120 minutes;]
[(L)Steps to Executing Agreements
- 50 minutes; and]
[(M)State and Federal Laws - 90 minutes;]
[(N)Ethics and Real Estate Professionalism
- 150 minutes;]
(3)Real Estate Math[, which] shall contain
the [following] topics and[, the]
units [of which are] outlined in the REMath-0, Qualifying
Real Estate Course Approval Form, Real Estate Math, hereby adopted
by reference.[:]
[(A)Introduction to Real Estate Math
- 150 minutes;]
[(B)Review of Mathematical Logic
Formulas - 150 minutes;]
[(C)List Price, Sales Price and Net
Price - 50 minutes;]
[(D)Property Mathematics - 120 minutes;]
[(E)Appreciation & Depreciation
- 60 minutes;]
[(F)Real Estate Taxes - 100 minutes;]
[(G)Mathematics of Real Estate Finance
- 400 minutes;]
[(H)Appraisal Methods - 100 minutes;]
[(I)Closing Statements - 180 minutes;]
[(J)Investment Analysis - 90 minutes;]
[(K)Commercial Lease Calculations
- 100 minutes;]
(4)Real Estate Appraisal[, which] shall
contain the [following] topics[, which collectively
will consist of 1500 minutes of coursework as] outlined in the
REA-0, Qualifying Real Estate Course Approval Form, Real Estate Appraisal,
hereby adopted by reference.[:]
[(A)Purpose and Function of an Appraisal;]
[(B)Role of The Appraisal Foundation/ASC/AQB;]
[(C)Social and Economic Determinants
of Value;]
[(D)Appraisal Math and Statistics;]
[(E)Site Valuation;]
[(F)Cost Approach;]
[(G)Sales Comparison (Market Data)
[(H)Income Capitalization Approach;]
[(I)Highest and Best Use;]
[(J)Final Correlations;]
[(L)Opinion of Value vs. Broker Price
[(M)Appraisal Case Studies;]
(5)Real Estate Investment [, which] shall
contain the [following] topics[, which collectively
will consist of 1500 minutes of coursework as] outlined in the
REI-0, Qualifying Real Estate Course Approval Form, Real Estate Investment,
hereby adopted by reference.[:]
[(A)Purpose and Function of an Real
Estate Investment;]
[(B)Real Estate Investment Characteristics;]
[(C)Residential, Land, and Commercial
[(D)Ownership Interests in Real Property;]
[(E)Financing for Real Estate Investments;]
[(F)Managing the Investment Property;]
[(G)Techniques of Investment Analysis;]
[(H)The Time Value of Money;]
[(I)Discounted and Non discounted
Investment Criteria;]