(a)The Health and Human Services Commission (commission)
[Department of State Health Services (department)]
is responsible for distributing state assistance to eligible counties
to the extent appropriated state funds are available.
[(b)The department establishes the
eligibility requirements and internal procedures for a county applying
for state assistance.]
[(c)The department determines a county's
eligibility for state assistance.]
(b)[(d)] The commission [
department] distributes funds to eligible counties based on
a maximum annual allocation.
(1)The maximum annual allocation will be based on
such factors as spending history, population, and the number of residents
living below the Federal Poverty Guideline.
(2)The commission-established [department-established
] allocation of the state assistance funds will distinguish
the amount of funds allocated between the counties that [actually]
were eligible and received state assistance funds the prior state
fiscal year, and other potentially eligible counties.
(3)The commission [Up to the legislatively-mandated
or department-established appropriated state assistance funds for
each county, the department] may reallocate the unspent funds
to eligible counties, up to the appropriated
state assistance funds available for each county.
(4)No county can be approved for more than the legislatively
mandated [legislatively-mandated] or commission-established
[department-established] percent of the appropriated
state assistance fund within a state fiscal year.
The agency certifies that legal counsel has
reviewed the proposal and found it to be within the state agency's
legal authority to adopt.
Filed with the Office
of the Secretary of State on May 24, 2024
TRD-202402343 Karen Ray
Health and Human Services Commission
Earliest possible date of adoption: July 7, 2024
For further information, please call: (512) 438-2350