Texas Register

RULE §535.400Registration of Easement or Right-of-Way Agents
ISSUE 12/21/2001
ACTION Final/Adopted
Preamble Texas Admin Code Rule

(a)The Texas Real Estate Commission adopts by reference the following forms approved by the Texas Real Estate Commission in 2000. These forms are published by and available from the Texas Real Estate Commission, P.O. Box 12188, Austin, Texas 78711-2188.

  (1)ERW 1-2, Application For Easement Or Right-of-Way Agent Registration For An Individual; and

  (2)ERW 2-2, Application For Easement Or Right-of-Way Agent Registration For A Business.

(b)An individual desiring to be registered by the commission as an easement or right-of-way agent must file form ERW 1-2 with the commission. If the applicant is a business, the applicant must file form ERW 2-2. All applicants must submit the applicable fees set forth in The Real Estate License Act, Texas Civil Statutes, Article 6573a, (the Act). The commission will not accept an application which has been submitted without the correct filing fees or which has been submitted in pencil. If the commission develops a system whereby a person may electronically file an application for registration, a person also may apply for registration by accessing the commission's Internet web site, entering the required information on the application form and paying the appropriate fee in accordance with the instructions provided at the site by the commission. If the person is an individual, the person must provide the commission with the person's photograph and signature prior to issuance of a registration certificate. The person may provide the photograph and signature prior to the submission of an electronic application. If the applicant does not complete the application process as required by this subsection, the commission shall terminate the application.

(c)After the commission has accepted an application for filing, the commission shall process the application and promptly issue a certificate of registration, request any information required to complete the registration, or advise the applicant that the application has been terminated or disapproved, as the case may be.

(d)The commission shall assign a registration number to each registrant and shall provide each registrant with a certificate of registration. Each registration issued by the commission is valid until the last day of the month one year from the day the registration was issued. Each registrant shall display the certificate of registration issued by the commission in a prominent location in the registrant's place of business, as required by the Act, §12(e). If the registrant maintains more than one place of business, the registrant shall display either the certificate or a copy of the certificate in each place of business.

(e)The commission may terminate an application with written notice to the applicant for failure to submit information or documentation within 60 days after the commission makes written request for the information or documentation.

(f)The commission may disapprove an application for registration with written notice to the applicant if the applicant has been convicted of a criminal offense which is grounds for disapproval of an application under §541.1 of this title (relating to Criminal Offense Guidelines) or the applicant has engaged in conduct prohibited by the Act. Provided a timely written request for a hearing is made by the applicant in accordance with the Act, §10, an applicant whose application for registration has been disapproved is entitled to a hearing. The hearing on the application will be conducted in accordance with the provisions of the Act, §10, and Chapter 533 of this title (relating to Practice and Procedure).

This agency hereby certifies that the adoption has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agency's legal authority.

Filed with the Office of the Secretary of State on December 4, 2001


Mark A. Moseley

General Counsel

Texas Real Estate Commission

Effective date: December 24, 2001

Proposal publication date: October 12, 2001

For further information, please call: (512) 465-3900

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