The following words and terms, when used in this subchapter, shall have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. (1)Accredited Private High School--Non-public schools accredited by the Texas Private School Accreditation Commission (TEPSAC), or, if outside of the State of Texas, accredited by an organization similar to the TEPSAC. (2)Alternative Test--A test instrument other than the TASP Test approved by the Board for use by an institution to initially test a student for TASP purposes. (3)Blind student and Deaf student--Students who are blind or deaf persons as defined by the Texas Education Code, §54.205(a). (4)Board--The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. (5)Commissioner--The Commissioner of Higher Education. (6)Developmental Education--Courses, tutorials, laboratories, or other efforts to bring student skill levels in reading, writing and mathematics to entering college level. English as a Second Language (ESL) courses may be considered developmental education, but only when they are used to bring student skill levels in reading or writing to entering college level. The term does not include courses in study skills or thinking skills. (7)Equivalent or Similar Curriculum--At an accredited private high school or at a high school out-of-state, a high school curriculum that has been shown by a student to be equivalent or similar to the recommended or advanced high school curriculum in Texas. (8)Institution of higher education or institution--any public technical institute, public junior college, public senior college or university, medical or dental unit, or other agency of higher education as defined in Texas Education Code, §61.003. (9)Minimum Passing Standard--Statewide testing standard each undergraduate student who enters a public institution of higher education, unless exempt, must meet or exceed on measures of reading, writing and mathematics skills in order to fulfill requirements specified in Texas Education Code, §51.306. (10)Non-Degree Credit Course--A course which may not be counted toward a degree or certificate. The term includes developmental, pre-collegiate and continuing education courses. (11)Testing irregularity--Any occurrence in the course of administering the TASP Test or detected after administration of the test that violates rules of test participation, standards of test security and/or academic honesty. (12)TASP--The Texas Academic Skills Program specified in Texas Education Code, §51.306. (13)TASP requirements--The statutory requirements of Texas Education Code, §51.306. (14)Texas Academic Skills Program (TASP) Test--The test, other than an alternative test, as defined and reviewed by Texas higher education faculty and approved by the Board, that fulfills the statutory requirements of Texas Education Code, §51.306. The test shall be uniformly administered statewide on days prescribed by the Board and shall be scored by the testing contractor. The test measures college readiness in reading, writing and mathematics and includes a written essay. It is administered under secure conditions and each student is provided with diagnostic information regarding test performance. (15)Upper-division course--Any degree credit course beyond the sophomore level as defined by a four-year senior university, and any degree credit course offered by an upper-level institution.
This agency hereby certifies that the proposal has been
reviewed by legal counsel and found to be within the agency's legal authority
to adopt.
Filed with the Office of
the Secretary of State on February 12, 2003
TRD-200301041 Jan Greenberg
General Counsel
Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board
Proposed date of adoption: April 24, 2003
For further
information, please call: (512) 427-6162