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The Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) adopts amendments to 22 TAC §535.64, Content Requirements for Qualifying Real Estate Courses, in Chapter 535, General Provisions, with changes, as published in the June 10, 2016, issue of the Texas Register (41 TexReg 4151). The amendments are adopted to provide consistency and better quality in Real Estate Marketing qualifying courses and are recommended by the Commission's Education Standards Advisory Committee. One comment was received on the amendments as published. The commenter suggested several edits to the Real Estate Marketing Course Approval form adopted by reference in the rule. The Education Standards Advisory Committee discussed the suggestions and made several clarifying revisions to the form in response to the comments. A typographical error in the rule was also corrected. The Education Standards Advisory Committee recommended adoption of the rule and form with the clarifying edits. The Commission agreed. The revisions to the form adopted by reference in the rule as adopted do not change the nature or scope so much that the rule and form as adopted could be deemed a different rule or form. The rule and form as adopted do not affect individuals other than those contemplated by the rules as proposed. The rule and form as adopted do not impose more onerous requirements than the proposed rule and form. The reasoned justification is greater quality and consistency in this qualifying education course resulting in better educated license holders and therefore greater consumer protection. The amendments are adopted under Texas Occupations Code, §1101.151, which authorizes the Texas Real Estate Commission to adopt and enforce rules necessary to administer Chapters 1101 and 1102; and to establish standards of conduct and ethics for its license holders to fulfill the purposes of Chapters 1101 and 1102 and ensure compliance with Chapters 1101 and 1102. The statutes affected by this amendment are Texas Occupations Code, Chapter 1101. No other statute, code or article is affected by the amendments. |
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