
Texas Register Preamble

The Executive Commissioner of the Health and Human Services Commission (commission), on behalf of the Department of State Health Services (department), adopts the repeal of §1.61, concerning the Worksite Wellness Advisory Board as published in the May 20, 2016 issue of the Texas Register (41 TexReg 3615) without changes to the proposed text and, therefore, the section will not be republished.


The purpose of the repeal is to implement Government Code, Chapter 664, amended by Senate Bill (SB) 277, 84th Legislature, Regular Session, 2015, which abolished the board.

The board was created by the Legislature in 2007 to advise the department, executive commissioner, and statewide wellness coordinator on worksite wellness issues, including funding and resource development for worksite wellness programs; identifying food service vendors that successfully market healthy foods; best practices for worksite wellness used by the private sector; and worksite wellness features and architecture for new state buildings based on features and architecture used by the private sector.

The board was one of several advisory committees recommended for abolishment by the Sunset Advisory Commission in 2014. Subsequent to the repeal of the statutory requirements for this and other committees, the commission conducted a comprehensive analysis and sought stakeholder input on the continuation of the advisory committees abolished in statute to determine if there was a need to recreate any of the committees in rule. No comments were received regarding the discontinuation of the board. The department will continue to obtain input on worksite wellness issues through ongoing interactions with staff of state agencies and stakeholder groups.


Section 1.61 is being repealed because this rule is no longer necessary. SB 277 amended Government Code, Chapter 664, by abolishing the board.


The department, on behalf of the commission, did not receive any comments regarding the proposed rule during the comment period.


The Department of State Health Services, General Counsel, Lisa Hernandez, certifies that the rule, as adopted, has been reviewed by legal counsel and found to be a valid exercise of the agencies' legal authority.


The repeal is authorized by Government Code, Chapter 664, which has been amended to remove reference to rules concerning the Worksite Wellness Advisory Board; and Government Code, §531.0055, and Health and Safety Code, §1001.075, which authorize the Executive Commissioner of Health and Human Services Commission to adopt rules and policies necessary for the operation and provision of health and human services by the department and for the administration of Health and Safety Code, Chapter 1001.

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