
Texas Register Preamble

The Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board (TALCB) adopts new §157.50, Negotiated Rulemaking, without changes to the proposed text, as published in the September 27, 2019, issue of the Texas Register (44 TexReg 5494) and will not be republished.

The new rule implements statutory changes to Chapter 1103, Occupations Code, enacted by the 86th Legislature in SB 624 as part of TALCB's Sunset Review process, requiring TALCB to develop a policy to encourage the use of negotiated rulemaking. The new rule sets forth TALCB's policy for negotiated rulemaking.

No comments were received on the new rule as published.

The new rule is adopted under Occupations Code §1103.151, which authorizes TALCB to adopt rules for certifying or licensing an appraiser or appraiser trainee in this state that are in accordance with Chapter 1103 and consistent with applicable federal law.

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