
Texas Register Preamble

The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (Coordinating Board) adopts amendments to Title 19, Part 1, Chapter 4, Subchapter Q, §4.278, Functions of Regional Counsels, without changes to the proposed text as published in the November 5, 2021, issue of the Texas Register (46 TexReg 7492). The rule will not be republished.

Specifically, this adopted amendment aligns Texas Administrative Code rule with statutory changes regarding the role of higher education regional councils in relation to the approval of off-campus workforce education or lower-division programs offered by a public institution of higher education at the request of an employer.

The adopted amendments to the Texas Administrative Code implement newly adopted Texas Education Code Section 51.981, Subchapter Z, by House Bill 4361 (87R). Texas Education Code Section 61.0512(g) authorizes the Coordinating Board to approve courses for credit and distance education programs, including off-campus and self-supporting programs.

No comments were received regarding the adoption of the amendment.

The amendment is adopted under Texas Education Code, Section 61.0512(g) which provides the Coordinating Board with the authority to approve courses for credit and distance education programs, including off-campus and self-supporting programs, and Texas Education Code, Section 51.981, which authorizes an institution of higher education to offer certain workforce education and lower-division programs requested by employers without approval of a higher education regional council.

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